Chapter Two

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                         Ariana Grande
                              Into You


"Calm down Mimi, you are making me nervous"

I say to my best friend as I listen to her pace around.

I feel her stop in front of me and I sigh.

Here comes the lecturing, and as always, she doesn't disappoint.

"Calm down? Did you just tell me to calm down? Kismet we missed our flight, we missed our bloody flight!"

"Am aware"

I say as calm as can be, that seems to set her off.

"You can't be calm about this!!, We might miss your surgery!"

"Am aware"

I repeat.


She begins to growl and I hold up a hand, she stops.

"Mimi, I have been living with this condition for 20 years, am sure a one day delay on my surgery won't kill me"

I say, trying to reason with her, but alas, she doesn't want to be reasoned with.

"Your father will kill me if I don't get you to Ghana, Kis, he will kill me, Me!."

And for what? Just because I couldn't say no to that asshole Kevin."

She says.

Oh, wait.

Did I forget to mention this is her fault?

That she totally forgot our scheduled time because she was having a raunchy night  with her friend that she refuses to call a boyfriend?

"The situation will solve itself, just watch"

I say to her and she stops pacing the sitting area of the airport to take a deep breath.

"You are right, I have to fix this, shouting won't help"

I nod my head solemnly.

"You know what, am going to go see if there is someone I can talk to that will help me sort through this mess"

She says.

"I hope you will be okay alone"

"Am not a child Miranda, go"

"Stay here Kis, I will be back soon"

I almost roll my eyes, I would have if I thought she would see it behind the giant sunglasses I am wearing.

I feel her step away and I seat in silence, my hand going to the necklace on my neck.

I trace the heart shaped necklace with my hand as I wait.

It's one of the only thing I have of my mom's, after she died, my Papa made it a mission to get rid of everything that reminded him of my Mama.

I held on to the necklace.

I sigh as I wait.

I feel this is going to be a very long wait.

Mimi is everything but a diplomat .

I settle back on my seat.


"What do you mean we have to wait for the plane to refuel?"

I growl at Will and Marcel.

They take a step back.

Beautiful Mess  (Completed) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt