Chapter Eight

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Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Someone To Stay


I am so nervous, really, am really nervous, it's as if he can feel my nervousness or maybe it's just me talking.

He pulls out a chair for me and I take my sit,he does the same thing across me.

"Nice place"

I comment , he nods.

"Why is it so empty?"

He doesn't reply.

"You don't talk much do you?"

He lifts his head and shakes his head at me.

"I thought so"

After a beat I comment.

"You have to talk, it can't be only me doing the talking okay?"

"I will respond when you ask a question"

He says.

"That's not enough"

"It isn't?"

I shake my head.

It's as if he has split personality disorder, when he came to my door earlier this morning to ask me out on a date, he seemed different.

A little nervous even, but right now, he looks in control, as if nothing can get to him.

A though occurs to me that makes my heart clench.

"You don't feel like am forcing you into this right?"

I ask my fear and it won't take the spirit of discernment to hear the worry in my voice.

He pauses before lifting his head.

"I don't do things if I don't want to Kismet, no one can force me into doing anything"

"Am just scared.."

"I am too"

He admits and I melt a little that he can confess his insecurity to me.

"You are?"

He nods.

"Am a bad man, I have done bad things, I don't deserve you, but yet I still find my self clinging to you like a last resort.

I don't want to ruin you Kismet, you are pure,you are perfect, if for any reason I should stand up and exit this room because I don't deserve to sit at the same table with you"

He says finally and I feel tears prick my eyes.

How lonely he must have been to make him think he doesn't deserve to be with me.

"I don't care what you've done"

"You won't be saying that if you actually knew"

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