Chapter Nine

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Bob Marley
Redemption song


"So how is it?"

I ask Garrett from over across the kitchen counter.

"It's taste like solid  acid"

He says truthfully, i pout, he seems to reconsider his answer.

"It's tastes great, really awesome"

He says and I frown.

"You are such a little liar, I will go with your earlier assessment"
I say as I dump the samosas in the sink.

"You should give up trying to cook"

He says, wiping his mouth and hand.

"I think I will"

I say and he pulls me into his lap as I walk towards him.

I twine my hand across his neck and I speak.

"You know, I don't like giving up"

"Am aware"

"You are ?"

"Am here, aren't I?"

I smile and he kisses my head.

"How's your shoulder?"

I ask and he nods.

"It's better"

"Want me to get a look at it?"

I ask and he nods.

"I need some TLC"

He says and I laugh.

"You are gonna get some"
I say.
I get up to get my first aid kit and I think how awesome the past two weeks have been.

It hasn't been a small feat getting him to loosen up and live a little, he's so stuck in his ways.

We've gone out on a couple of dates, and once to a public place, he wasn't so comfortable there so we left.

I have understood his need not to be in public or were there are lots of people, he doesn't like it.

So I kind of try to make sure we are always indoor.
He has start to let me in, he makes jokes now, he laughs and smile.

Although those are rare and far between, I will take them as they come.

If I am told to explain why I feel this way towards him, all I can think about is completion.

He completes me, he feels a need in me I didn't think I had.

I walk back to the sitting room to see him sitting on the floor by the couch, his attention on my ringing phone.

"It's your dad"

He says .
I tense.

What does he want ?
I walk to the coffee table and I mute my phone, I can call him later, it's not as if he can't wait.

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