Chapter Thirty Three

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I see Will  lift his eyebrows with playful glee and I know, I just know something was wrong with him upstairs.

"You really think you can bet your of this alive?"

"I think you are going to let me get out of this alive?"

"Pray tell why would I do such a fool thing??"

"Because William, I know you, I know how you crave to be a good guy, I know how you are a person pleaser, don't you want to serve your Master?"

I say  referring to me and I see him twitch, that's right, I hit the nail on the head, Will must be doing this for some one else or for his selfish reasons.

The Will I thought I knew would have been distraught to go against me, only God knows why he is on this now.

"Are you on drugs?? I am the one with the gun here, I am the master here"
He says and I feel Marcel shuffle on a feet behind me.

I signal to him behind my back with my hands and I pray to God that he understands.

"Don't you see how helpless you are? You and your idiot brother, you thought you had it all, you had a woman, you have a child.

I want those things too, I saw her first you know, Kismet, I saw her first in that airport, I wanted to approach but you had to be a diva and cry about the plane not being fueled, then you had her and I had to watch you make family with her, listened to her cry out a thousand time from behind your bedroom door, broke me"

And there it is, the key behind everything.

"She is my woman Will"

"She is my woman Garrett"

"What then? You think I if you kill me she will automatically love you? Automatically want you? You are a fool Will"

He growls softly at my words and I feel pure fucking thrill run through me, this fucker had stood outside the door to my bedroom when I and my woman did things, private things, things that were beautiful and should never be shared with an outsider, things that I cherished with my bones and things that were so beautiful they created my child.

This fucker is going to die, no qualms about it.

"You should be wise and shut up Garrett fucking Grayson!!"
"Why is that Will fucking Iam?"

"Because I have a gun! A gun!"
"Well William, you have a gun, I have a big shiny gun"

I say as I whip out the gun Marcel had delivered into my hands, my brother wasn't so useless after all.

I pop Marcel one on the knees and.he cries out, his gun falling and skittering away from him.

I knee beside him when he begins to bleed and groan.

"You see Will, I take care of my family and I also take care of the people who betray me, you must know that I never hold a grudge but when I do, I never fucking let it go"

I say to him and he groans again, giving me a dead look.

"Well, good day, you can tell the Shaws that they can find another killing machine"..

I say before popping him another one in his other knee, he cries out again, blood flows and stains the ground by him and I don't even feel a single fucking thing.

I stand to step away when his blood leaks to my boot I begin to walk away but I turn.

" And William, do not think to cross me ever again, the next time, you won't be leaving with your life"

I say before walking out and I feel Marcel walking behind me.

"You know he would be back, you know, why didn't you just finish him"

"I want to give him him the benefit of the doubt, in respect to his years of service"

"That's bull Gage and you know it"
I throw Marcel a smile that was pure teeth as I open my car.

"You know me too well, brada"
I say before getting in.

Marcel will be back, with an army and I can tell, don't you think it is fitting that I know who my enemies are?



Hola Hola,
Whatcha doing today.

It's asks Bebe anything you want Friday,
Ask me any questions about me and I  will try to answer as truthfully as I can.

Any question at all.

And as you know I am ending beautiful mess soon, thanks for being along for the ride.

My sincerest apologies if at any time I didn't reply your comments, I was really busy during the writing of this novel, I wrote on the go and I appreciate that you could understand.

I love you.

I promise to deliver another package soon and I hope you enjoy it.

and also please, DO NOT READ MY NOVEL AND COPY IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, It hurts when you do.

I had thoughts of even stopping beautiful Mess half way because I was beyond depressed but ya'll kept me standing tall and going.

Thanks for reading and always being here, amazes me that I have people like you behind me, cheering me on.

So please ask me anything about me and the book or any future books and covers, I will answer.

And also, Facebook fams, ya'll ain't left out, please ask.

Kadosh, where are you at?.?
You done reading in whispers?

Much love sweetness.

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