Tres Aliens 👽

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There I was flashback to 09' about 16 or 17 in high school. I was in my basement as I was walking outta the room there it was! The first official preview trailer for Jersey Shore. As my very traditional Italian catholic dad was sitting on the couch I instantly got nervous because the show consist of hooking up partying drinking and Rowdiness. And at the time my brother was already in college so naturally what I would do is watch it after they (my parents) would go to bed! That's when i fell in love!

At the time i had a very very rocky relationship with my first love. Him and his family are illegal and he was full blooded Peruvian! Again at that time and even up until recently like 5 months ago! I always went for Hispanics solely because I don't feel welcome not do I fee like I fit in with my own race. Because I am not the stereotypical Barbie with loads and loads and loads of money and the big boobs and well I have a big ass but that's about it haha! So I always dated outside my race because other races don't have that stereotype and because like in more urban areas or the city everybody blends in with each other because in the city there is not one type of person and not one type of stereotype! But recently this may I had a renaissance! I just decided that I was done with illegal Hispanics that don't know a word of English! Granted okay ¡si! Yo habla español pero no mucha sola porque yo soy no un latina! (Yes I speak Spanish but not much only because I am not a Latina!)  It was horrible! They didn't get my humor my jokes my music references... nada!!! So that's when I decided to try people of American decent (yes that includes all other races)  but as long as you speak English we should be okay! I thought it would be so cool to have a Hispanic boyfriend and have Hispanic babies (thank god I never got myself into that situation) but everywhere where I live that's the majority here! But I did learn a lot of slang too! My first love in high school was Peruvian then after he broke up with me a week before my senior year of high school I was legit devastated. Now my 16 year old mentality really thought that I was gonna marry this kid and have a family!  When it turns out I thinks he's got a kid in his country! Now don't quote me on that because he told me so many lies I don't know what's real and what's a lie. But then after him I found this Ecuadorian who happen to live on the same street as these girls that I hung out with again at the time! Omg he was way worse with his English! My first love his name was Riggs! His mom spoke absolutely no English his dad spoke a little bit very heavy accent tho and his younger brother speaks English! So what would happen was when I first met them I would say what I wanted in English to Riggs and then he would translate it in Spanish to his parents and the his parents would say their response in Spanish and then Riggs would reverse translate it back to English for me and it would be a never ending cycle. Then with the Ecuadorian his name was Jimmy he spoke even less English! He was from Elizabeth NJ and I loved it because he was a Latino from the barrio which pretty much means hood! But I could never go and see him because he lived over an hour away! And I am not good with directions especially on big highways! I had a couple in between but they were just ghosts and hooks up! But my very very recent and last relationship with an illegal was about 2 years ago back in 2016! He was Jairo and from Guatemala. I was then working at Sally's beauty Supply store and there was a Pizzaria next door! So when I went in there he was I gave him the "damn you're fine as hell I gotta have you look" and I got his number and from there we were hooked on eachother! It lasted for a year then he broke my heart again! And since he's illegal he can't stay in one place too long! And he told me he was moving to Connecticut and he was with another chic already.... so this time last year around fall and autumn he hit me up on kik or whatapp and he said that he was coming home "to see family" and he wanted to see me. So okay I did. But it literally was just awful! It kept changing the time so I showered and it was like 9 or 10 pm and he still wasn't home so I called him and said where u at? And he's like "oh we're coming we're coming we're on our way" no joke it was probably somewhere around 11 so I said I'll wait for him to see if he shows and I called him again and i said to him I'm here where ru?....he still wasn't home so it became 12pm and then my mom calls and says what's going on and I have to tell her that he's still not home???? So finally at like 130 or 200 am he gets home I only have an hour to see him he wanted me to sleep in his bed when thanksgiving was the very next day! So we tried to keep in contact throughout the next few weeks and it gradually just started to fall off more and more so finally he just stopped answering my texts all together and BOOM! ....


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