My Escape from Reality

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Knowing how I was raised and how I was brought up I just know it in my heart and who I am as person I would treat him like a MF King!!! That he is!!!! I mean I never even stepped foot in LA or Hollywood BUUTT being a fan of his since the very first second of the show (Jersey Shore) and his success as a DJ. I know what it's like to be used for the wrong reasons (or at all). I would neevvver ever use him in any way shape or form. We come from very similar backgrounds and like I said I was raised right so I would not be a prissy Kim Kardashian. I had to work for everything I wanted so he'll yeah i would actually do work and the dishes and vacuum and clean. Now I heard and he even admitted out loud that he's OCD (Don't quote me) (I'm not sure if he's joking or being serious) but either way I do like to be organized but I'm an artist so I also love a organized mess!!! (I hope to god he's okay with that!) Now he was on Marriage Boot Camp this year and we were allllllllll in SUCH SHOCK OF HOW HORRIBLE NOT EVEN HORRIBLE THE ABUSE HE WENT THROUGH WITH HIS NOW Ex!!! (thank god for the break up) I was just so baffled and like I couldn't make complete sentences like "how did they even....and whyyyyy would u say that....why is Aubrey.....!!!!" We all feel so incredibly bad for him myself included! But I really can't explain it! I look at him and I just stare into space and start day dreaming (okay so we all do that with our fav celebrity) but I start thinking about if we really were a couple and all things I'd do with and for him! I start thinking about us texting coming home together I mean really being a married couple! But above all how MUCH BETTER ID TREAT HIM! He said in an interview that he's looking for an old school traditional girl with old family values and whatnot! If I may quote one of your roommates "UM HELLO!!!!!" im right here!!! Pauly!! I may be like a few years younger than you (give or take) but I can't remember if I mentioned this already but I had to grow up faster than I wanted too! So I absolutely promise you I'll be good! Good in the sheets sexy bad in the sheets ;) hahah!

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