2 Small Towns

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DJ Pauly D is from a small town in Rhode Island called Johnston! Another reason why would mash so well! I know what it's like to be from a small town. I am from a small town in NJ! I completely get it! It's not easy. If you know someone you see in public then there's an automatic code! You either dip and run to avoid them seeing you and talking to you! Or u make awkward eye contact and u just cave and say "Heeeyyy so and so! How've u been?" With me it's a little more extreme than that! We can't go anywhere like absolutely anywhere without me knowing someone! I can tell you right now I have small town heart meaning I have a heart of gold but really I'm a city girl. I belong in LA! I belong in California! Not only that but being in a small town you were raised differently. You are raised to support small and local businesses. Small towns are usually more subdued and quieter and less action. And I don't know smaller. So with that that comes with knowing more people because of either neighbors or local groups such as (boy/Girl Scouts or local garden club family friends school ect.)

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