Right Here Right now

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It's 2018 and I have to say growing up a 90s baby. It is such a huge adjustment to this new day and age! I mean okay back then we didn't have all this social media and apps and smart phones or iPhones! If you wanted to support your favorite celebrity you would either buy their cds or cassettes put posters up in your room or go to their concerts (or all of the above if you were lucky!) Now I feel like today it's oh just because you don't have the money and you don't go to any concerts or shows that means you're a fake fan! Which breaks me heart! Most people know HOW Insanely expensive tickets are! Not only that but I mean if you're traveling you have to include the price of a hotel food gas I mean it's absurd and I know all that money goes toward the artist who is traveling for the same things (food water gas hotels GOD forbid they have a breakdown or something) BUT not everyone can afford it! Money has always been tight I just wasn't blessed with a rich family. Which I'm blessed that I wasn't because we are rich in our hearts and have nothing but good intentions! However I do feel like because we are lucky enough to have social media I feel like today if you don't have the money to go and be a part of the party scene and go to concerts then you can support your fav celebrity through there! Yes yes yes I know it's not the same BUT AT LEAST if they advertise then you can retweet it and then the people on your friends list will know and who knows maybe someone on your side can go! Now yes I know what you are thinking yes social media can be bad and toxic and dark but!! It's only toxic and dark if the person behind the account is twisted!
Right now this March will be 7 years that I have been working with my mom at her bakery! Now I have had jobs in between but they never worked out! never lasted! So I always came back home (aka my moms shop.) Even though she owns her own bakery Doesn't mean that we're raking in the dough so to speak! It's actually the quite opposite! We still have bills to pay at her shop and at home we have rent to pay every month at the shop and the shop is from like 1800s so it's definitely the complete opposite of shiny and new! We haven't had had a toilet in such a long time! We got a brand new toilet but that's not gonna fix the plumbing! Not to mention our land lord is Jewish from Brooklyn so he is not gonna pay for anything!! He's in fact making it worse saying the 6 plumbers that we had our landlord is saying that they're all criminals that they're liars this and that!... like c'mon Michael man up and take responsibility! Last month actually this whole war started by them having us in the office and saying you're gonna need a grease trap because the grease is coming from your building! Um excuse me? A grease trap is still not gonna fix the underground underlying pipe problem! Not to mention we are trying to sell our house and that ... so far has not gone well we are in the midst of switching realtors and god willing we have better luck with this woman who has 18 years of experience! And plus she's gonna set us up for an open house! Which I'm super excited about! What our old realtor did was walk through the house with the people that were interested! Our first one we had at best 4 5 people maybe If even that! Maybe less! He would always notify us last minute (so unprofessional). I do know it's not my fault I can't go anywhere! It is what it is!

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