October 31, 2018

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Dear Future Wife,

I hate this holiday.

The one day a year where fake people actually have a reason to be fake, and the one day a year my girlfriend forces me to squeeze into some cheap, cliche costume from Party City and parade me around school like a shiny new purse. I seriously thought about taking a break from girls on Halloween just to avoid having to go to Halloween parties dressed as Woody from Toy Story just so my girlfriend could prance around other guys in booty shorts and a cowgirl hat.

This year happens to be even worse, Clarissa is making me go as Danny Zuko so she and her friends can be the Pink Ladies. Woo hoo.

I'm going to be honest with you, it's not even the costumes that bother me that much, it's what the day itself is.

12 years ago today my brother died after getting hit by a couple of drunk drivers on Halloween. He was ten and I was four at the time. Every time I walk into a Halloween party I just look around at all of the drunk kids with no inhibitions and worry that one of them might get behind the wheel and take another innocent kid's brother just because it's the one night a year they have an excuse for being fake. They have an "excuse" to mess around.

Yeah? Well there is no excuse for murder.


Dear Future Husband जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें