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Peter dropped the phone and began to panic. Tony was on his way to find him. Who knows how many tracking devices he had on Peter!

Oh god... the others were considered criminals... and Peter would lead Tony right to them! He couldn't do that. He couldn't risk Tony and Steve getting into it again.

When Tony came home after his fight with Steve, Peter saw his banged up he was. He couldn't imagine what would happen if they crossed paths again.

Peter ran out into the living room where he saw the ex-avengers. He had a face of pure terror and panic.

Steve stood up protectively upon seeing his expression.
"Parker? What's wrong?" Steve asked. Peter was hyperventilating. Wanda and Bucky ran over to calm him down.

"It's... it's my dad... he-he said he's coming to find me..." Peter said nervously. He figured they could help him disable all the trackers Tony installed on him. 

"Trust me kid, he can't find you here." Sam said. Peter shook his head violently.
"Mr. Falcon, sir, he can! He's pretty tech savvy so he has several trackers on me."

Natasha stood up.
"Steve this kid is gonna get us caught!" She yelled angrily. Peter flinched at her outburst and when she saw it, she tried to calm down a bit.

Sam agreed with her, while Bucky and Wanda didn't.
"He's just a kid Nat! He's terrified... I can feel it." Wanda said. She came over and hugged Peter.

"Don't worry Parker, we'll make sure your dad won't find you, for whatever reason it may be."
Peter smiled at her and nodded.
"Thank you Miss Scarlett Witch, ma'am."
She chuckled and shook her head.

"It's Wanda, Parker. We're hiding away just like you. So please don't hesitate to call us our names okay?"
Peter nodded.

"Alright kid lets go find these trackers!" Bucky smiled. Peter chuckled and he and Wanda and Bucky went to go destroy any chance Tony had of finding him.

Steve stayed back and gave Nat and Sam one of his captain lectures.
"Listen, I know you're weary of the kid, but please, just accept him okay? He's going to be staying with us as long as he needs so I don't want you always butting heads with him."

Sam nodded reluctantly while Natasha continued to protest.
"He's hiding something Steve! I know it!" She said firmly. Steve nodded.

"I know he is."

Natasha and Sam looked at him confused.
"Then why aren't we kicking him out!?" He asked. Steve sighed.
"Because, he's a 15 year old kid, I'm sure he has a good reason for hiding whatever he is hiding."

Sam nodded and Natasha eased up a little.
"Parker is apart of our family now, so I don't want anyone giving him a hard time okay?" Steve said and they both nodded.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, several small mechanical devices were smashed all over the ground.

"Did we get them all Wanda?" Peter asked and she nodded.
"Yep I don't sense any more on you." She said but as soon as Nat walked in she pointed at Peter's phone.

"The phone. It'll definitely have a tracker in it." She said. Peter frowned at the thought of his phone being smashed, but decided it was for the best.

He threw it on the ground and stomped on it till it was completely broken. Natasha walked closer to Peter.
"Give me a minute with the kid." She said.

Bucky and Wanda left, not wanting to go against the Black Widow. She pointed to the bed and Peter gulped and sat down.

She sighed and sat beside him.
"Parker... I just want to say I'm sorry for how I treated you. Everyone has their secrets so I won't force you to share yours. You're welcome as a part of this insane, messed up family Parker."

She even smiled at the end and Peter smiled back.
"Thank you Natasha. I-I can trust you all right?" Peter asked.

Natasha shrugged.
"That's your choice. But we all know you're hiding something, so it's up to you when you tell us."

Peter nodded.
"Peter." He said.

Natasha nodded.
"It's a nice name. I understand why you'd lie. I mean, I've lied about my name countless times." She shrugged at the end.

They stood up and she wrapped and arm around him as they gathered everyone into the living room.

"So umm, I've been lying to you all." Peter began and they all nodded.
"Yea we know kid, you're a bad liar." Sam said.

Peter blushed and took a deep breath.
"I wasn't sure if I could trust you guys or not, especially with all the trust issues I have with earlier times in my life, but know I think I can."

He took another deep breath.
"My name is Peter. Not Parker. Just Peter."

Everyone nodded and Steve stood up.
"Well then, welcome to the family, Peter."

Yep that chapter kinda sucked I'm sorry, but it's building up to so much more!!! Once the main event is over this book will probably just continue into Peter's life (if he lives much longer! 😈) so basically yea. Thanks for reading!

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