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2 years

2 years...

2 years

That's how long Peter has been in the same, boring old cell, on the most secure prison, in the middle of the ocean for...

Or... at least that's what it felt like...

Peter sighed and scratched another line into his cell wall. There were 14 lines. That means he's been here for 2 weeks.

Okay so maybe 2 years was a bit of an exaggeration, but Peter was a 15 year old kid stuck in a cell with nothing to do.

Overall, this sucked so much. There was no company or guards for him to annoy like whenever he'd get kidnapped or something. The food was worse than Vision's cooking, and that's saying something. And worst of all, he really missed his family...

Sure yea, he was still mad at his dad but like... it's Tony Stark, you can't stay mad at him forever...

Peter just sat and waited for some miracle to come and save him.


Tony smacked the keyboard of his computer in frustration.
"God dammit!" He yelled. Steve didn't even have the heart to correct Tony's language.

They had been searching non-stop for Peter for 2 weeks now, and they barely got anything.
All they knew was that he was at the Raft in maximum security levels. Probably because the CIA figured they would come and break him out. But they couldn't.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Tony ran to pick it up and he was met with a serious voice on the other line.

"Is this Tony Stank?" (RIP Stan Lee you will forever be missed. Thank you for all you've done for us ❤️)

Tony sighed.
"This is Tony Stark, yes."
The line crackled slightly.
"This is agent 26 from the CIA, I am calling in regards to your son Peter Stark."

Tony lit up.
"Go on." He said biting his tongue.
The man cleared his throat.
"He is now cleared for visitors so you may come from 5-6 tonight. 10 minute visits only." And then the line was dead.

Tony set his phone down. This was all starting to feel too real. He looked at the curious group of avengers in front of him.

"I'm going to visit Peter tonight." He said. Everyone peeled up.
"That's great! That means we can get more information!" Clint said happily. Tony nodded and smiled sadly. Natasha put an arm on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Tony, we're going to get him back." She said and nodded. Tony nodded too.


A few hours later, Peter heard someone coming down the hall towards his cell. Finally! Someone he could talk to. He hadn't talked to anyone in 2 weeks. The guys who dropped off his food did it while he was sleeping.

"Hey there!" Peter said as he hopped up from his bench. The guard didn't reply. Peter rolled his eyes.

"You know, it's rude not to answer people when they talk to you." He sassed. The guard stood in front of his cell and didn't react.

"You have a visitor. 10 minutes. Try and escape and we will shoot you down." The guard said in a monotone voice.

Peter perked up. That was probably Tony! Oh... that was probably Tony... things hadn't gone to well last time he saw him. Oh well, anything beat staying in this cell.

Peter walked up to the force field door and the guard shook his head.
"No, you stay in here. Your visitor will sit outside of your cell. Please put these cuffs on." The guard said and slipped a pair of handcuffs inside through his food slot.

Hide Out: A Spiderman and Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now