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Peter threw up all over the ground. Not only from pain but also from how shocked he was that it was his supposed best friend that stabbed him in the back.

Peter panted as he was covered in blood sweat and tears. He looked up at Ned with the most broken eyes anyone could ever see, but instead of Ned's happy sparkling eyes, he was returned a cold, sharp, dark glare.

Peter whispered as his voice trembled.
"N-Ned... h-how could you?"

Ned chuckled darkly and sent shivers up Peter's spine.

"You're an idiot Peter. All this time I've been plotting against you. Ever since we were little it's been the same thing. You get all the attention and I'm shoved to the side. The day you told me you were Spiderman was the worst day of my life! I'm sick and tired of always being the ignored sidekick! I hate you Peter! I hate you more than you can imagine, and I can't wait for you to die, alone in this cave. Your family can't save you now Pete, it's over."

Peter's mouth hung open as he stuttered out a response.
"N-Ned... why didn't you t-tell me... we could have f-figured this out."
Tears fell from his eyes uncontrollably but he wasn't crying.

"It's too late for that Peter. Have fun in hell. It's where you belong after all the deaths you've caused." Ned hissed. Norman and him laughed and walked out of the cave, leaving Peter alone, bleeding, cold, scared and betrayed. He began to feel light headed and knew that if help didn't come soon, he would definitely die.


All the avengers paced around the room as they desperately searched for Peter's suit. Karen had managed to notify him of Peter's danger but she was cut off before she could give a traceable location.

Suddenly, Tony's phone began to ring. He looked at the contact and saw that it was Peter's best friend. Ned or Ted or something.

"Ted! Do you have any word on Peter?" Tony asked. All the avengers listened in.

Ned's shaky voice came through the phone.
"H-he's g-gone..."

Tony's eyes widened.
"What do you mean gone?"

They heard a dark chuckle on the other line and got very confused.
"He's dead Stark! That little freak is finally dead!" Ned shouted.

Everyone froze. They put the pieces together and Natasha snatched the phone.
"Where is he." She said sternly even though they all knew she was broken.

"His corpse is rotting away where he belongs." Ned hissed. Natasha shouted.

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" She screamed. Ned laughed on the other line.

"It's too late! You all failed him! You should have heard him beg for mercy as I killed him. He kept assuring himself that someone would come for him, one of you. He died heartbroken when his heroes didn't come."

Tony snatched the phone back.
"You're a monster Ned. How could you?"

The line grew silent for a moment.
"I'm not the only one who wanted to kill him you know... I just got to him first."

"Where Ned. Where did you kill him?" Tony asked calmly, "you've won, he's dead, now tell us where he is so we can have a proper funeral. He deserves that at the least."

It was silent as Ned considered telling them.
"A cave. Right outside of Queens."

Then the line was dead.

The avengers crumbled in a mess of tears as the death of their youngest member began to sink in. Tony was the most broken, as this was his son that got taken away.

Hide Out: A Spiderman and Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now