•Seis •

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               <<Vivian's P.O.V>>

I feel my eyes start to water seconds later two tears escape my eye.

"Cálmate, respira, siéntate. Te voy a traer agua." His deep voice says.

TRANSLATION: "Calm down, breath, sit down. I'll bring you water.

His voice relaxed me a lot. So I sat down on the bed ,while he walked to a mini fridge getting a cold water bottle.

"Here," he says handing me the water.
I take the water bottle open it and drink some water slowly.

His actions show that I will be taken care of, that I'll be safe.

"I wouldn't hurt you. I would be dead if I ever hurt you in anyway." he said seriously,

"You should take a warm bath and get some rest. You've had a long day." He says.

"Where's my stuff?" I ask calmly.

"Your clothes is in the closet, your shampoo and other bathroom stuff are in the bathroom." He says getting a small blanket and pillow off the bed. He walks towards the couch.

I guess he's sleeping on the couch. Phew I was worried for a second.

I walk to the closet with my bottle of water. I get some black leggings and a plain  white T-shirt. I then head to the door where I guess is the bathroom. I open it and find a big bathroom. The bathroom is mostly white. It has a shower with clear glass walls, close to the shower there's a big tub. The sink is white marble with a mirror covering the whole wall. I laid my clothes and water bottle on the counter by the sink and locked the door. I turned the warm water of the tub on and filled it up.

                  <<Time Skip>>

I took a pretty long bath ,but it relaxed me a lot. I changed, brushed my hair and teeth. When I finished I collected my clothes from the floor and walked out the bathroom. As I waked out the bathroom I felt a gaze on me. I look out into the room to find Leo looking at me.


"Where can I put my dirty laundry?" I asked holding my clothes.

"In that black basket near the closet." He said pointing at the basket. I walked towards the basket and threw my clothes in. I then walk to the huge bed and lay on one side.

"Ready to sleep?"

"Yeah." I say getting cozy.

Leo turns the lights off and lays on his couch.

"Goodnight." I say.

                  <<Time Skip>>

Next Morning

                   <<Leo's P.O.V>>

I wake up around 5:00am. I wonder how Vivian slept. Breakfast is at 8:00. I thought about waking her up but it's pretty early ,and she must be very tiered form yesterday. I'll wake her at 6:30.

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