•Trienta y Seis•

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<<<Narrator's P.O.V>>>

But Jamal was pretty heated. Leonardo is anxious. Marcelo ,Miguel , Salvador, Dante, Zarie , and Nayeli prepared for anything. Jessie ,Jasmine, and Sofia are confused. Natalia is scared and worried. Tyler is sitting in the vehicle wondering about his beloved girlfriend.

Jamal then reached to his back and pulled a cold metal out of his waist band. Griping on it with anger and pointing it at Vivian.

Vivian saw the black gun and stayed still. She thought "I've already had a gun pointed to me once ,I'll be fine."

Jessie and the others saw this hidden ,but Jessie was worried out of her life so she yelled ,"Vivian!"

That quickly called for Jamal's mens' attention. His men turned around and held their guns out. Marcelo ,Miguel ,Dante , Salvador ,Zarie and Nayeli pulled their guns out as well.

Marcelo was concerned for Nayeli ,but all Nayeli had on her mind was helping her friend.

Juan hadn't given the order yet ,but Leonardo had had enough and said ,"Now!" into the walklie talkie that notified the other men in the trailers. The men pushed the wood wall down causing the now priceless merchandise to collapse down onto the floor. The men quickly jumped off pointing their guns at the threat.

Natalia watched the gun being pointed at her little sister and was terrified. She quickly opened the door running out but keeping her distance.

Tyler saw his beloved girlfriend watch in terror his father point a gun to her little sister. He too ran out of the car careless of all the guns and ran up to Natalia hugged her and pulled her into the SUV.

<<<Jessie's P.O.V>>>

When the unfamiliar figure pointed the gun at Vivian of course I was scared. So I yelled. The men that where around had turned around quickly pointing their guns at us.

"Sofia stay behind me," Dante told Sofia and Sofia quickly hid behind his back.

Salvador pulled Jasmine closer to him. Miguel pulled my wrist so I'd be behind him.

"We have to get you guys out of here." said Marcelo.

"The car is too far from here. Do we make a run for it?" asked Zarie.

"No ,that'd be too risky. They could just shoot as we ran." answered Miguel.

"Then what do we do?" asked Nayeli.

"We'll have to make our way to the other cars or trailers." said Marcelo.

"Are you guys serious?!" I asked.

"Does it look like we're kidding?" asked Dante.

"How are we going to get through all of them?" I asked paniced.

"Hey, we'll be fine. I promise." Miguel said sweetly.

"Ok," I said.

"Sofia ,Jessie and Jasmine will stay behind us while we shoot." said Marcelo.

The others surrounded Sof, Jasmine and I. Marcelo then started walking and...


A gun shot.


Gunshot after gunshot.

<<<Nayeli's P.O.V>>>


I put my finger on the trigger and pulled it back.

I've shot this gun before ,but this time it felt different. Once I pulled the trigger. I felt a powerful force come from the gun, running down my am to coarse throw my body. This time I just shot because I needed a refresher of how the gun felt. But this time I look around and aim at the threat. I took a deep breathe and pulled the trigger.


One man down ,a couple more to go.

<<<Sofia's P.O.V>>>

When I saw Nayeli pull that trigger and shoot a man ,and seeing him fall down. I thought we'd lost Nayeli ,because I thought the man had died ,but I then realized she'd shot him on the arm.

<<<Leo's P.O.V>>>

When Jamal pointed his gun at Vivian I exploded and gave the order. I couldn't wait any longer.

We jumped off the trailer and pointed our guns.


Someone had shot their gun and everyone else did. Shooting the opposed side. Juan and I kept our guns pointed at Jamal ,who then turned to look at us.

"Put your gun down ,Jamal," I said gritting my teeth out of frustration.

"Hahaha, or what?" asked Jamal as he laughed ,which only made me angrier.

"Why do you ask if you already know the answer?" asked Juan.

"Well I have one too," said Jamal puling out another gun out and pointing it at us.

<<<Vivian's P.O.V>>>

When Jamal pulled his other gun out he turned around to look at Juan and Leo.

This is my chance. Then I quickly reached for my mini gun and pointed it at Jamal.

"Hey Jamal I got one too." I said.

He then turned back at me.

"Jamal you can either quit what you're doing or I'll shoot you." I said with 100% honesty.

"You wouldn't. You might've killed Los 'Z's adviser ,but that was because you had the chance to. With me you don't. Because if you shoot me I'll just shoot you back and either your father or Leonardo." he said.

"I will shoot you."

"You won't you're too sweet ,like your sister."

"Sweet as sugar ,hard as ice. Hurt me once I'll kill you twice." I said before I put my finger on the trigger.


One in his stomach.


One in his chest ,but not near the heart.

"Still think I'm too sweet?" I asked.

I actually shot him without hesitation and didn't feel anything. I actually felt good ,but how could I feel good after shooting him?

People were still shooting the opposed side.

I was handed a bigger gun by Iker and started shooting Black Spades until I saw a familiar face.


"Vivian?!" she yelled running past Marcelo towards me.

"Nayeli ,what're you doing here?!" I asked shocked. I would've hugged her but that'd be a suicide.

"Helping out," she said holding up a black object.


Hey ,it's me so I know I've taken a long ass time to post or publish these last chapters. I got out of school May 22nd and the previous weeks were pretty rough because of finals. After that I decided to take a break ,that break wasn't supposed to last that long. Sorry ,but this is my first ever book. I promise I'll do better in the future. Next •Trienta y Siete•

June 7,2019  4:16 (my time) 

So I've been working on Trienta y Siete ,but I don't know if I'll get it done the 9th. If I do ,great! If I don't well, idk. 


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