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<<<Vivían's P.O.V>>>

Juan then rushed to us.

"Vivian. Your sister. Leo we have to go now!" Juan says.

"Wait what about my sister?" I ask.

"The Black Spades ,a small gang, they have your sister hostage and won't let her go until I give money and power to them. And if I were too give all my power to them they would just kill us all." Juan says.


"Ok , vehicles are ready. Let's go." Leo says.

"Leo take me!" I say.

"I won't." He says.

<<<Juan's P.O.V>>>

"Well you have no choice! I'm going!" Vivian says.

"You don't even know how to use a weapon." Leo says.

"I killed Los 'Z's adviser. I'll learn." Vivian says.

They're not even dating and they're already arguing like a married couple.

"Gesu cristo, questa ragazza!" Leo says in Italian.

I chuckle.

TRANSLATION: "Jesus Christ ,this girl!" Leo says in  Italian.

"Ok." He then says.

"Ok then, What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Says Vivian sniffing.

This is going to be an unforgettable adventure.

We all got into a car. Leo and Vivían are going in the same one. I feel guilty about what happened yesterday and haven't had the chance to talk to her.

"I'll be riding with Leo." I tell a soldier.

"Get in Vivian. Watch your head ,shorty." Leo tells Vivian.

"You watch out. You're like an effing giraffe." She says back.

"But I've heard your favorite animal are giraffes." Leo says getting into the car.

"Achoo!" Vivian's sneezed.

I get into the passenger seat.

"Oh hey ,Juan." Says Vivian.

"Hey ,mija." I say.

"Vivian ,are you sure you want to go? You don't have to. We'll get your sister." I say.

"I'll be fine." She says.

"It's just that you're so innocent and pure," I say.

"Well ,it's in my blood. What can I do?" She says.

"I'm sorry,for bringing you into this. This is exactly why I left you with your mother. I didn't want you to fall into this kind of life." I say.

She stays silent.

"I would rather you grow up with out a father and be safe. Than to have a father and not be safe." I say.

I look at her and she pats my shoulder with a warm smile on her face.

"Well, I like to think that everything happens for a reason. And don't beat yourself up. I appreciate you wanting to keep me safe. I really do." She says.

"Ok Vivian. This is ,of course, the trigger..." Leo starts to explain to Vivian.

I can see these two are going to get along.

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