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              <<Sofia's P.O.V>>

'Leo' takes us to the main entrance. A few seconds later 4 other men arrive. They're all around 5'9 or taller. One of them looks taller than the rest maybe around 6'0. He has black hair. His skin is caramel and his eyes are blue.

He seems scary.

               <<Nayeli's P.O.V>>

Four men join us in the main entrance. They all look fierce and skeptical. One of them is very serios. Actually they're all very serios but this one in particular.

He's around 5'10, he has tanned brown skin. He has curly dark golden blonde hair; his eyes are grey green. He's truly beautiful but he's so tense and serios.

"This is Miguel. Your 'biological' brother." Says Leo to Vivian. He pointed at one of men who was standing besides the 'tense dude'.

That's Vivian's brother?

"Hi. I've been waiting to meet you sense forever." Miguel says.

Miguel is around 5'8. He has light golden chestnut wavy hair. His skin is warm beige ;his eyes are green.

"I didn't know I had a brother to meet." Says Viv.

I cant imagine how she feels.
And a bunch of other emotions.

"Oh and this is Marcelo. Your other 'biological' brother." Leo says.

"Two? I have two brothers?" Viv asks confused.

I'm also confused. Does she have any other brothers?

"Yes. You have two older 'biological' half brothers." Says Marcelo with black eyes.

"The other two are--"

"Cousins?" Asks Viv serios and interrupting Leo.

"No, they're other bodyguards. Salvador and  Dante."

Salvador is around 5'7. He has dark blonde hair. His eyes are blue black. He has warm beige skin. Dante is the tallest one here ;maybe around 6'2. He has black hair with caramel skin and blue eyes.

"Oh. Hello." She says quietly.

She's acting weird. She'd usually be more talkative ,but she's very quiet. If I were her I would be asking questions non-stop.

I'm also noticing Marcelo glares at her like a hawk. He doesn't seem to like her at all. Miguel on the other hand seems pretty comfortable with Vivian.

              <<Jasmine's P.O.V>>

Leo and the other four men have walked us around the mansion. I'm not paying attention because I'm starving. We keep walking and Leo explains this and that to Vivian. I think all of us except Vivian are ghost because she's the only one he's paying attention to.

Eh, whatever. I'm hungry. Very hungry. I'm also starting to feel a little dizzy.

"Are you ok." A mysterious voice says behind me.

"Umm..yeah." I say looking back and seeing it's Salvador, one of the men with us.

"You don't look 'ok'." He says.

Why does he care. He's probably one of the men who kidnaped us.

"Why do you care. You probably helped kidnap us." I say walking faster.

"Yes, I did help. I care because it's my job to take care of you."


"Because Vivian is someone important to El Patron. And you're someone important to Vivian. If anything happens to you girls Vivian will get up set ,and that leads to El Patron getting mad." He says.

Hmm...so they won't harm us at all.

"Alright." I say still walking.

"So now tell me, are you 'ok'" he asks.

Oh god he's so annoying.

"No. I'm not. I'm starving and breakfast isn't until 8:00!" I say loudly.

"It's 7:55. Breakfast will be served soon." He says looking down to his watch. His watch is gorgeous. Its completely gold.


<<Time Skip>>

<<Jessie's P.O.V>>

Breakfast was severed and the girls and I ate. As well did the men. We barley talked at breakfast because the men were there. After we had finished Vivian was called to Juan's office. I hope she'll be ok.

<<Vivian's P.O.V>>

I was called to Juan's office. So here I am walking through this huge mansión to Juan's office. I wonder if the girls will be ok. We didn't get a chance to talk at breakfast and I had to leave them. So right now they're with my 'biological' brothers and the two other guards.

"Juan got back from his 'business' not long ago." Said Leo.

'Business'. He kidnaped me and my friends. He has armed men all over the place. He has this Mansión with maids. And what I've heard from my mother. It all adds up. I think I know what his 'business' is.

"Ok. And?" I say.

"And he wanted to talk to you. About your many questions." Says Leo.


"Good luck." He says.

Ok? He then opens a door leading to Juan's office.

"Hola, mija." Says Juan from behind is desk standing up with his hand out.

"Hello. So now let's move onto answering my questions." I say sitting down in one of the seats in front of his desk. He then sits down too.

"First question." He says.

"Why did you leave my mother. Why not take reasonably? And don't say you had two other kids to take care of ,because considering the house you have you had enough money."

"I had never planned to get your mom pregnant, though i knew it would happen. I didn't want to put your mom in danger or you. So I decided it was best for you to not have a father than live your whole life in danger."

'Danger' it just keeps on adding up.

"Ok what about calling?" I say.

"I told you it was risky." He says.


"What 'business' are you in?" I ask.

"It's complicated." He says.

"You know what else is complicated. You kidnaping me."

"You have a point ,but once a person  knows about my business they can't leave until they gain my trust."

"I have an idea of what 'business' you're in. It all adds up. The kidnapping. All the men here are armed. This mansion. All the 'danger' and 'risk' there is for me. You're a drug lord." I say.

"Now you can't leave this house until you gain my trust." He says with a grin.

What have I done?


Hey it's me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Idk if I did a good job of explaining the last part. So I'll try to explain it again.
So now that Vivian knows about Juan's 'business' she can't leave until he trust her not to betray him. Idk if that helped at all ,but I hope it did. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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