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<<<Marcelo's P.O.V>>>

We've been on the road for about an hour. Miguel is driving.

I don't know why my father asked us to bring Vivian's annoying friends to the border. They came on their own ,I think they could take their own asses to the border. When he asked I had said no but Miguel's ass was all "sure!". He thinks one of Vivian's friends is cute or something like that. It's whatever.

"Are they still behind us?" Asks Miguel looking in the mirrors to look back.

"They should be," says Salvador turning around in his seat to look back," I don't see the truck anymore," he said.

The car starts to turn over to the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" I ask Miguel.

"Waiting to for them. What if they get lost?" He says.

"Well then they get lost." I say.

We stay there for like 5minutes. Still no truck. Which is weird because they weren't even that far behind us.

"Do you think they got lost?" Asked Dante.

"So what if they did?" I say.

"Your father would be pissed." Says Salvador.

"We have a tracker on that truck ,don't we?" Asks Miguel.

We put trackers on all of the cars just incase they get stolen or we need to track them.

"Alright." I get my phone and do some stuff on it and bam. I get the location of the truck.

My phone shows two dots ,our car and the girls car, the dots are on some lines ,the roads. Our dot is red. The girl's dot is green. The red dot is I front of the green dot. If the girls were in motion their dot would be moving ,but it isn't.

"They're not in motion." I say getting skeptical.

"Let's go see what's wrong." Miguel says marking and ilegal U turn. He made sure there weren't any cars too. He drove until we spotted a black truck in the side of the road. He stops behind it. We get off and I open the door to the passengers seat. Nobody is in there.

"Where'd they go?" Asked Salvador.

"It's not were they went. It's who took them." Dante says picking up a wet clothe from the ground.

"It's soaked in liquid ecstasy." Says Dante.

(Liquid Ecstasy- a liquid that makes people fall asleep)

This is not good.

              <<<Dante's P.O.V>>>

"We should call your dad." Suggest Salvador.

"No ,he's busy in Italy. And they girls shouldn't be so far from here." Marcelo takes his phone out again and types on it.

"They're about 5miles away we can still catch up to them." He says and rushed to the car.

"Where doesn't he have a tracker?" Asks Salvador entering the car.

A Drug Lord as my FatherWhere stories live. Discover now