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<<<Vivian's P.O.V>>>

(Back in the United States at the Hotel)

"Oh ,thanks." I say taking my phone in my hands. I saw that I had a lot of missed calls ,unread messages and a lot of other notifications.

Missed call from my mom. My sister. Some of my other friends. And Marco. I let out a sad sigh.

"You can call your mom later. But right now it's better if you don't." Leonardo says looking at me with sadden eyes.

"You guys ready? We have to get going." says Juan anxiously.

"Calm down ,Juan." says Leo.

"We can't calm down ,Leonardo. Vivian's sister is in danger! Don't you see?!"

Then it came to my mind. He doesn't know.

"Actually ,did you know my sister has a boyfriend?" I ask him ,and he looks confused.

"What does that have to do with anything?" He Asks confused.

"Tyler Blake is Natalia's boyfriend. Meaning-" Leonardo says.

"Meaning she's his most prized possession. He wouldn't do anything to her. You can always get to a man through his queen." says Juan with a growing smile.

But that smile didn't last long.

"But that doesn't mean all of our problems are over yet, we still have to deal with Jamal. He wanted to steal a huge shipment." said Juan.

"Jamal ,Ty's father?!" I ask.

"Yeah." says Leonardo.

"What really?! How do you know?" asked Leonardo.

"One of the guards caught someone spying on us. That someone is one of Jamal's men. So we kept him captive and we've gotten him to talk." said Juan with a mischievous grin.

"Turns out Jamal wanted to steal the shipment ,that we were sending to the states ,but he needed something to distract us. He found out ,from a spy, that Vivian was my daughter. He also found out about when I sent Vivian's friends back to the states. He was the one who ordered for them to be kidnapped. Not Los 'Z'. So with the whole kidnapping was a distraction so it'd be easier to steal the shipment." explained Juan.

"Wait...so why are they holding my sister hostage?" I asked.

"According to this guy ,Big G, Natalia had overheard a private conversation Ty and Jamal were having. Your name slipped into the conversation and Natalia got scared and mad. She tried to leave before they noticed ,but they did. So Tyler had to explain everything to her ,and Jamal ordered Big G and T-dog to lock her in a room. So then instead of distracting us to steal the shipment he wants to trade Natalia for the shipment." Says Juan.

"Soo?"I ask confused of what's gonna happen.

"So Jamal thinks we're very desperate to get Natalia back safely and trade her for the shipment. And we would ,Vivian. But what he doesn't know is what we know. He doesn't know we know he won't hurt Natalia because Natalia is his son's girlfriend. So now with this new information you've given me ,Vivian we're a step ahead of them. Now all we need is to trick Jamal into thinking we're giving him the shipment for him to give us Natalia." He says.

"We'll be fine." says Leonardo.

"He's not such an easy man to negotiate with Leonardo." Juan says.

"What shipment did he try to steal?" I ask.

"It's a valuable shipment of drugs. That's supposed to be sold to some huge associates over here in the states." says Leonardo.

"How much is it worth?" I ask.

Leonardo glances and Juan looks at Leonardo.

"A couple millions." Juan says.

"Millions?" I ask trying not to sound surprised.

"Yes," Said Leonardo.

"How can you smuggle millions worth of drugs into the states?!" I asked shocked.

"We'll talk about that later." says Leonardo.

"Ok, then. How are we going to trick him then?" I asked. Putting my phone in my back pocket.

"Well we need to keep the shipment ,and get Natalia as well. And knowing Jamal he's going to be prepared for anything." Said Juan.

"This has to be an air tight plan. Because Jamal isn't playing any games." Says Juan.

We stay in silence thinking.

"What if..."

<<<Zaire's P.O.V>>>

My uncle ,Leo ,and Vivian all left to the states to go rescues Natalia. So did Iker.
So I'm here alone. With my aunt and Lizeth.

"Ughh, I cant believe Leonardo is falling for that little—" Lizeth was complaining as I walked into the kitchen.

"Watch what you're about to say Lizeth." I say.

My aunt is in here as well.

"Zaire did you know your uncle was bringing Vivian?" she asked.

"Eh, kinda," I say.

Juan never really announced it or anything. We all knew he wanted to meet her and all. But we never knew he'd actually bring her. One day he woke up and decided it's been long enough.

"Almost 18 years..." he mumbled.

Before he left with two SUVs.

"And you didn't think of telling me?!" She asked.

"I mean did you think on telling anyone you were leaving to Italy?" I ask.

"That's different." She says.

"You're right. But what would've telling you change anything?" I ask.

"Well she wouldn't be here because I wouldn't have allowed it." she says.

"Who gave you the permission to decide if my Tio can see his own daughter or not?!" I say.

"I'm his wife. He should talk things like this over with me before he does them. Now that peasant is roaming this house. Stealing my niece's boyfriend. Causing trouble. I bet all she wants from Juan is money." She said pouring herself a glass of Tequila.

"Even if he did tell you he would've still done it. Vivian is no peasant Juan is the one who brought her here. Leo and Lizeth never work. She's not the one causing trouble here. This family has had trouble for the past years. That's nothing new. She just wants  to get to know her father. The father that wasn't there for her when she grew up. Gosh ,Tia is it really that hard to at least try and be happy for him?!" I ask frustrated.

She stayed silent.

"I'm tired of being here already. I'm leaving." I say.


Hey its me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really do suck at publishing on time ,sorry. I just really suck at schedules. Well next •Treinta y Uno•

June 1,2019 10:04 (my time) 

I've been gone for about a month. Sorry. I'd written chapters 30-36 all in May ,but they were't edited so I didn't publish anything. I also had finals ,projects and other stuff so I didn't really have time to edit ,anything. I got out of school May 22 ,but I wanted to take a break from any kind of work. So that is why I've been absent for a month. Im sorry ,but I will do better in the future.


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