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Michael lay asleep, his head resting on his arm with the sheets up to his chest. Unable to sleep, I had resorted to sitting on the chair in the corner and watching him sleep.

If he woke up and saw me, I would undoubtedly looking creepy but as I was watching him, my thoughts were somewhere else.

Closing my eyes, I blinked slowly and finally looked away from Michael's sleeping face. Standing up, I opened the bedroom door and walked into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

My eyes flitted across the shadows on the wall as I walked down the winding stairs. Everything in my body was on high alert and I hated it. I hated feeling like one wrong move would kill me. I pulled a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around me, before sliding the glass door open and stepping out onto the balcony.

Sitting down on the chair, I stared out at the city lights. I took a deep breath in, breathing in the coolness of the city. For a whole thirty minutes, I managed to relax before I heard movement behind me.

"Couldn't sleep?" A sleepy Michael asked, moving around me.

I shook my head. "Not after today" I replied, looking down at my hands which held the blankey tightly.

Michael moved to the seat next to me, copying my angle as he looked at the city.  "I hate you had to go through that" he said in a small voice.

Glancing up, I watched the twinkling lights again. "Will she really try and kill you?" I asked, unable to surpress the shiver that went down my spine.

"I wouldn't know, the woman I knew wouldn't hurt a fly but everybody changes" he replied.

I looked at him. His bronze hair fell effortlessly across his forehead, looking as though it was designed to do that. His jaw was set tight as he looked at the view, his brown eyes focusing on the lights. "Have you changed?" I asked, curiously.

His brown eyes met my green ones. "The moment I met you" he replied.

I looked down quickly. "For the first time, I'm scared, I was in a abusive relationship with Harry but that didn't scare me, it hurt and was extremely difficult to keep up hope through it but I wasn't scared" I said, talking slow.

"Now that I have something I want to fight for, something that keeps me going.. I'm scared that my luck will run out and I'll lose you and I just don't know if I could handle that" I added, as my eyes watered.

Michael's hand touched mine and I turned my hand over so our palms were touching. "Michael, I've never felt these emotions before, never had the will to keep going but you- you're everything to me" I said, looking up at him.

His gaze softened. "Hope, love, I couldn't bare it if I lost you, I almost lost you once and I cried but you came back.. I can't imagine what I'd go through knowing you would never come back" he said, moving closer.

"I love you so much and I have for years, now that I have you- I don't plan on letting you go" he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I know you're scared and I'll admit, I am too, I'm scared that my own sister decides my fate, that I will leave you behind and that I will miss Sophie's child birth, I'm scared I won't get to marry you or have that discussion about kids with you... and by god I want to" he said, pulling me closer.

I rested my head on his shoulders. "I'm scared I don't get to tell you how much I love you everyday" I whispered.

He held me, our bodies swaying gently as we watched the city. "I love you now and I will love you in our next life and the life after that and if reincarnation is real, I will find you and still love you" he said, speaking softly into my hair.

A smile curved my lips as I closed my eyes. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that" I said gently.

His chin rested on my head as sleep slowly crept up on me. It took me in it's tender grasp and lulled me to sleep.

I felt movement and moved my head slightly to see Michael's face. He was carrying me up the stairs and I cuddled closer to his chest. My back slowly met the mattress and like a switch, I was out.


Yawning, I stretched out my body before blinking my eyes open and sitting up.

Michael was still asleep beside me, his hair in his eyes. I couldn't help but brush it away, letting my fingertips linger on his skin. Moving my head slightly, I leaned my top half down and pressed my lips to his. It was a small short kiss before I pulled away, not resisting much more I leaned forward again and gently kissed his eyelids.

Just as I was pulling away, his eyes opened. I smiled. "Good morning" I said, staring into his brown orbs.

"Good morning, love" he replied, his voice still rough with sleep.

I was still leaning over him as his gaze dropped to my lips. Michael lifted his head just a little and caught my bottom lip between his lips, tugging on it slightly.
My breath caught. Letting go of my lip, he widened his mouth which also forced mine a little wider. Finally, we kissed, our tongues meeting in a sensual hello.

Finding the will, I pulled away so I could catch my breath. "What a way to wake up" he said softly.

His hand reached up and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch. "I can't wait until I marry you" he said, surprise in his tone.

"Why do you sound surprised?" I asked, worried.

He just shook his head. "I just can't believe that you fell from heaven" he said, a smile teasing his lips.

"Are you calling me an angel?" I asked smiling as I brushed my lips against the palm of his hand.

"You are an angel" he replied.

I lifted my hand and rested it on his, our fingers entwining. "Than that makes you Heaven, because with you... I'm home" I replied.


They are adorable asf. I want them to be real, just so I can experience and see the love between them for real.

I love writing about Hope and Michael.
I'm thinking of writing a sequel, what do you think?

Should I write a sequel?
Maybe call it The Billionaire's Mistake or The Billionaire's Wife

Hmm so many ideas.

What did you think of this chapter?
And the book so far?

Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote! xx

Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxo

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