Chapter 2: Afraid

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"W-What?!" She shouted in fear. "Hush now sweetheart, no need to shout. Those mean boys sold your soul to me, remember? Of course, I won't devour you as said in that stupid summoning, but since I'm now free on the surface, under nobody's control because those kids are now dead, I can do whatever I'd like. They didn't even summon the right demon, but that doesn't matter now~" (Y/n) looked around the seemingly empty but abandoned janitor's closet. "C-Could you show yourself?" She questioned, shaking from fear.

"Ah, the little kitten wants to see me? Very well then, your wish is my command." The voice agreed as swirls of shadows and darkness began to occur. A tall man came out of the cloud of darkness and introduced himself. "Alastor, pleasure to meet you sweetheart, quite the pleasure~" his voice smooth and distinct. He then kissed the top of her hand with a smirk. (Y/n) blushed at the sight of it, but knowing that he was a demon, she was still terrified.

Alastor was very tall and had pale skin. His short red and black hair that resembled deer ears as two black uneven antlers crown his head. His crimson sclera and violent red iris made his eyes quite sinister looking while his pupils were death black, having a wide smile on his face beung the most noticable feature.

He wore a bright red dress shirt with two black marks that crossed each other, underneath a striped maroon coat alongside burgundy dress pants. A bow tie graced his neck with a bright red knot, and black shoes to protect his feet. A metallic oval-shaped monocle over his right eye, also wearing a pair of antique looking gloves that had bright red marks showing where his nails and knuckles are. The Demon too carried a cane with a vintage style microphone attached to it, which was rather odd.

"What is he going to do to me? Will he kill me? Harvest my soul?" (Y/n) began to panic. Then Alastor spoke "No dear, I'm not going to kill you or harvest your soul. Well... that is if you play nice." He jokingly chuckled. "As you can tell, I can read your thoughts, so think things carefully~" He chuckled, noticing her tattered clothes and her dirt stained face. "Your clothes are torn, it's best I return you back home to change." Alastor said as nicely as he could, trying not to scare his already terrified new mistress.

"I.. I don't have a specific house to go to. Well... as long as people know where to find me, I won't go back... I don't want people destroying the only thing I have left..." she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Alastor used his finger to wipe it away gently before picking her up and leaving the Janitor's closet. As he was walking with (Y/n) in his arms, his tone changed from nice to slightly more serious. "Now I have a few rules that you must follow in order to not get harmed." He smirked.

"The first is to answer my every question. I want to hear how you will answer me when a question arises. Second, you must dance with me if I call you to. Ask no questions on this matter. And third, you must always tell me before you go anywhere, and you are not allowed to leave without me, Understood?" The very terrified (Y/n) nodded her head, reminded by the first rule to always answer. "Yes, I understand." She replied with a shaky voice. "Good, you are fairly attentive." he praised.

"Now, first thing's first, you mentioned that you can't go back to your house if people know where to find you, correct?" He questioned. "C-Correct..." she replied. "Well then, we'll just have to burn down this here facility then! Problem solved!" He had a devilish grin on his face. "Am I allowed to speak?" She asked herself. Alastor replied "I hope you haven't forgotten that I can read your mind sweetheart. And yes, you are allowed to speak."

"B-But I come here for education. I don't think you should burn it down or kill the people here just s-so I can go home..." she replied with a hint of shame. Alastor looked around before commenting "Forgive my language but your college sure looks like a shit hole! Look at this place, how does anyone even study? D-Don't answer that, I don't want to know. Anyways, if you don't want to go back to your place of residence, then where would you prefer to go?"

(Y/n) replied "I-I usually just... s-sleep... on the streets outside. I steal my clothes and toiletries, and eat the food here." The nicely dressed demon then smirked "you poor poor kitten... Tell me, how did you get into this mess?" (Y/n) avoided his gaze and replied "I'm not very liked in school. I don't have friends, or anyone to take care of me. I'm just someone that stands out of the crowd...someone people want to get rid of."

Alastor puts her down assuring her "Well, not every demon is as evil as the books say. I'll try to take care of you, but I make no promises. We'll work on our trust issues. For now, let's just take... what do you call it, baby steps?" He was very polite and well mannered towards (Y/n), which made her question his motives.

"Yes... it's still called that. Anyways, why didn't you attack me earlier? Why did you only attack the guys?" She asked before her weak legs trips on each other. Just before she could hit the ground, Alastor caught her, and helped her up. "I hope you are okay." He said, hoping she didn't hurt herself. "They were offering a scared little kitten to be my sacrifice. Obviously, I would rather have a whole feast of souls that are destined to go to Hell, than the soul of a shivering kitten~" he said as he caressed her cheek, feeling her shiver.

He smirked knowing that he had total dominance over this girl, who wouldn''t fear the all powerful radio demon?

⊱《Sugar ⍎ Daddy》⊰  [Alastor x Fem!Reader]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara