Chapter 5: Home...?

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Alastor teleported himself out of that dark basement, (Y/n) in his arms, and teleported to a Victorian looking house. He then spoke "(Y/n), wake up. We're at your house." By his command, she woke up, wondering what happened. "W-Wha... all I remember was being suffocated and hit repeatedly! What happened?" She asked confused. "Shh, don't worry about it, my dear. Like I said, you're home. And you'll never need to go back to that damned college ever again."

She then looked at the house and looked at him "H-How do you know where I live?" Alastor didn't answer and proceeded to ring the doorbell, as if he was expecting a certain someone to open the gate, and to (y/n)'s surprise, the gate responded to the doorbell, and opened. Alastor set her down as the two entered the gate way. "Ladies first." Alastor geustured. Just as they approached the door, a man dressed in a butler suit greeted her. "My word, lady (y/n)! We haven't seen you since your father told you to leave this place!"

(Y/n) looked away "yeah... but I guess he didn't really care about his daughter on the streets." The butler moved aside and let her in, glaring at Alastor, as if they have been acquainted before. (Y/n) made her way to her old room, which when she entered, was completely clean and comfortable. She didn't want to lie down and stain the bed with dirt, so she decided to go get cleaned. Problem is, she's been away for far too long to remember how the shower handles work.

She walked down the Victorian staircase to hear someone talking to Alastor. "B-But there must be a reason why you came back. Not like you are welcomed here either..." A voice stuttered. Alastor's voice replied "Well... there isn't much I can tell you, but a true gentleman keeps his promises. I also know that a certain someone is eavesdropping on us." (Y/n)'s heart raced in fear as Alastor opened the door, smirking. "Anything you need, (y/n)?" He asked with a smooth tone. "I.. I need help with the shower handles..." She sighed.

Alastor stroked her head saying "I know you are a curious little girl at heart, but when I'm speaking, It's not very nice to eavesdrop, alright? I'll let you off with a warning, but next time I won't be lenient. Do I make myself clear?" (Y/n) nodded, but then paused to ask "How do you know my father's butler? And how did you know where I live? And-" Alastor placed his finger on her lips, interrupting her. "The answers you seek will unravel before you when the time is right. However, eavesdropping will not give you any answers. It will only make you more curious as the time goes by. Now, Gideon, please help your master's daughter with the waterworks."

Gideon rolled his eyes and bowed, escorting (Y/n) back to her personal bathroom, showing her which handle does what. She thanked Gideon, and he left the room. (Y/n) undressed and got into the tub, which had already been filled up with warm water when Gideon was instructing her how to use it. She sat in there wondering what Alastor had in relation to her family's servants, well... mostly Gideon.

Gideon was a wise guy. He has been helping her father ever since (y/n) was born. To her knowledge, he was the only servant that her father trusted, and told everything to. (Y/n)'s mother had her own personal maid as well, Seryla. (Y/n) remembered how Seryla would keep her company when her mother was busy working. She hadn't seen Seryla yet, but was hoping to give her a big hug if she was still in the house. Both her parents had an eye for vintage and victorian things, making her wonder if that is where she got her interest in that cassette tape and player she found.

She then broke her train of thought and began scrubbing the impurities off her skin while washing all the dirt fully out of her hair. She then left the foamy remains of the bath and unplugged the stopper, making the murky water flow down the drain, out of her sight. She went to her dresser, towel wrapped around her body, to find clothes she hasn't worn in forever. "I wonder if these can still fit me..." she thought to herself. "Might I suggest an outfit then?" Alastor questioned from behind, making her jump.

"You don't like me eavesdropping, but you read my thoughts. Isn't that the same thing?!" She shouted with her face tinted red considering she didn't have anything but a towel concealing her. "Now now kitten, watch how you speak to me~ Anyways, why don't you try this?" Alastor then snapped his fingers and out of nowhere, a maroon vest and a white dress shirt appeared on her bed. Alastor then took out a pair of black pants from her closet and gave it to her "Go get changed, I bet you'll look great. His voice echoes as he disappeared from her sight.

"You better not watch me get changed!" She pointed her finger to the surroundings, cheeks still red. She then got dressed into what Alastor picked out for her, which turned out to look really good. The maroon vest just seemed to top it all off. "Okay I'm done, what do you think?" She called out, in hopes Alastor would hear. "Looks mighty fine on you." His voice resonated in her room. She went over to her mirror to look at herself one more time, straightening out her outfit before she left her room.

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