Chapter 19: Dreadful Death

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The floor began to crumble, the encapsulated bodies fading, and (Y/n) got a hold of herself, standing her ground. "Alastor... " she called through her thoughts, "Yes, mistress." He replied, appearing behind her. "I know what I need to do, but I need you to help me." She said, not even turning back to face him, showing how serious she wanted this to end. From Kitten to Mistress, how to tables have turned! "You wish, is my command." He chuckled with distortion, the true psycopath that he was began to shine through.

Seryla and Gideon emerged from the floor, rising to meet the two. They were both in the attire as seen on that painting that had 'Demon's call' at the back of it. "(Y/n)" Seryla called out, "Come here..." and she did. The frosted dagger was handed to her, with Gideon instructing (y/n) to stab Alastor with it. She nodded, taking two slow steps in front, and turned behind, attempting to slash the two. They knew it was coming, and swiftly avoided it, laughing, "(y/n), (y/n), (y/n)... have you learnt nothing?" The Seryla transformed into a slithering snake demon and rushed through the distorted ground.

Gideon remained in his humanized form, ready to end this without him wasting any energy. Alastor, quick on his feet, picked up (Y/n) in his arms and hopped, being very agile, from one broken stone floor piece to the next, avoiding the gigantic snake. Alastor then swiftly avoided the attacks from her while reciting the prophecy to (Y/n) once more:

"A manor filled with joy and wonder; collapsed and lost all its splendour.
It's owners were in squalor;
And darkness became louder.
It's happiness and joyful nature;
Seemed to have been stolen.
By forces of spirits;
Not by men or women."

"The prince and the princess were of up most importance;
But gave up their status to help for the manor's losses.
They hung around the master and mistress;
Until they one day disappeared, sending distress.
The royalties were not swayed by this;
And instead stayed silent.
For they were called upon the midst;
And they await the fallen."

"One by one, memories faded;
People lost, and time evaded.
One by one the souls were taken;
To fuel their helpers; and help them awaken.
Years went by, a prophecy foretold;
A rite will be broken, making the story unfold.
The deaths of the family will not be in vain;
After the chosen one erases the pain."

"Once it has been done, the last chapter re-written;
All will be good and free of intermission.
The Fallen rulers will go back to the ground; as their flesh and bones will never be found.
The promises and deals that they have made; will no longer prevail and no longer remain.
So until the chosen one is properly found;
The Prophecy will forever be bound."

"I finally understand what it means... thank you Alastor." (Y/n) smiled, before leaping out of Alastor's arms, heading straight for Seryla's head. Swiftly she landed, but plunging the dagger into her skull was no easy task since the giant snake tried all she could to shake (y/n) off her head. "My household was once happy, but my parents made a mistake to summon you two. You robbed them of their riches and happiness, making it seem as if it was their fault that their lives were getting worse. I bet you, Seryla, was the reason my mother was depressed!"

The snake demon hissed in anger, "Do you not remember all the sacrifices I made for you, (y/n)?! All the fun times we had together? We can all just stop this fighting if you would just kill the demon who wants your soul to fuel him!" (Y/n) shouted in anger, holding on to Seryla's head in hopes to not fall of, "You two told my parents that you would help them and my household, but when they died, you two were not swayed! Infact, you two took their souls for your own gain! The reason why you are still alive is because my soul has fragments of both my mother and my father!"

While (y/n) was fighting Seryla, Alastor was fighting against Gideon. "So old friend, finally decided to show your true colours hmm?" Alastor smirked, his entire being bloodthirsty. Gideon laughed in a distorted manor, "You tried to save this household once, and you failed. You're attempting to go against demon royalty once more?" Alastor clawed Gideon's face, which made him laugh, wiping away the black blood that ran down the deep cuts. "When are you going to give up, Alastor?" Gideon taunted as he made an illusion, duplicating himself, surrounding Alastor.

The Radio Demon howled with laughter, his gentleman persona completely thrown out the door, "I only quit over Satan's dead body you motherfucker!" And with that, multiple soundwaves travelled, causing the duplicates to warp, revealing the real Gideon. Alastor took no hesitation at attacking, attempting to cut open Gideon's abyss of a body. Gideon, however, teleported out of Alastor's grasp and chuckled "Too easy." (Y/n) heard that and saw Alastor zoom past Gideon, his microphone cane transformed into a chainsaw, and she said "Yeah um.. bitch? I think you spoke to soon."

Alastor plunged the chainsaw deep into Gideon, but all he did was laugh. "You can't hurt me of Seryla, don't you remember Alastor?" He said, turning around and punching Alastor to the face. (Y/n) tried her best to sink the frosted dagger into Seryla's head, but her scaly skin was just too thick. "Alastor, this battle will go on forever!" (Y/n) cried, where Alastor responded with, "Get off Seryla, I have a plan." She did was she was told, and Alastor, face still bruised, manoeuvred himself onto Seryla's Snake Demon Head.

"Forget it Alastor, We can't kill you, and you can't kill us. (Y/n), think about it, two demons are better than one, so lets end this Radio demon!" Gideon Offered. Alastor took the frosted dagger, ice spreading out from his fingertips slowly up his arm. "Can't kill you huh...? I'd like to second that!" laughed the radio demon. Using all the strength he had, he plunged it into Seryla's head, causing her to freeze as shatter into a million pieces. However the spell of the blade also affected Alastor, who was slowly turning to ice. (Y/n) ran over to him after noticing, her eyes filling up with tears.

"Alastor! No, you can't die! Fight the ice, you're stronger than it!" She attempted, but all Alastor did was give her a tired smile, assuring her that somehow, he'd be fine. In mere seconds he was frozen, and the slightest touch would shatter him. Soon, a shadow loomed above the frozen demon, a polished shoe above his crystallized corpse. (Y/n) looked Gideon dead in the eyes, saying "You wouldn't dare.."

⊱《Sugar ⍎ Daddy》⊰  [Alastor x Fem!Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin