Chapter 12: Bad Boy, Good Man

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...began to speak in unison with the recording, voices aligned. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, how are we doing tonight? We have a catchy tune coming your way, but first one of my life stories!" (Y/n)'s eyes widened as realisation hit her. Alastor walked up to her and placed his finger under her chin as he once again spoke in unison "Let us begin, shall we?"

He walked toward the window and began his monologue "It was a cold December, 13th of 1925 if I remember correctly. I was stuck in my house all alone as the heavy snowfall trapped me in, the only warmth be my fireplace and a hot cup of tea as my dear heart went cold. My word, that day was a dark day for me for I was struggling through some difficult times. But always remember that with perseverance and a strong passion, you will get through any tough situation! I believe in you, and don't you forget it! Now, here's a little instrumental of one of my favourite songs for you folks to sing along to!"

As the jazzy music began, Alastor picked (y/n) up and taught her how to dance like the 1930s. "Now, Swing dancing goes a little like this, see?" He led her or her feet as he took a step forward, then back, and spun her around as he chuckled "Not bad, Kitten." She blushed slightly at the compliment. She didn't actually know the words since she always just listened to the jazzy instrumental, but Alastor knew it


"The ballrooms packed with cokey girls, satin frocks and shining pearls. Click my fingers ladies swoon, hottest dancer in the room." He began as he twirled (y/n) around.

He continued as he sang in her ear. "I'm a bad boy – I need a dance, if you don't dance, no romance. Feel like dancing dance with me? First dance is always free!" (Y/n) smiled slightly as she was having fun. Alastor then snapped his fingers and presented her a fiery crimson rose as it's flame danced around, not burning the delicate petals.

"Bebop sliding down my back, Never alone when I hit the sack. Swings a thing with a ringa-ding-ding and I get wings when I sing!" He chuckled.

"Ragtime reason and rhyme, I'm the reason, you're divine. Rhumba mambo latin samba, the ladies of the house say "Ai caramba"!"

"I'm a bad boy, I need a dance, If you don't dance no romance. Feel like dancing? Dance with me. First dance is always free! Bad boy – I need to dance, If I don't dance no romance. Feel like dancing? dance with me? First dance is always free~" Alastor sang as the jazzy music filled (y/n)'s room.

He then ran his fingers through her hair, making her blush even more, reminding her how he loved to be in control, taking into consideration on how he might love to control her feelings too...

"I'll be your Sugar Daddy~" He smirked as he whispered in her ear, along side the catchy tune. She rolled her eyes, trying hide her blushing. The song was coming to a close as Alastor chuckled and kissed her forehead before vanishing. The cassette tape then let out a phrase that she remembers: "Never doubt yourself, you have Angels watching over you even if you don't see them." the voice said, followed by a click, ejecting the tape. (Y/n) touched her forehead, the very place Alastor kissed, and began to wonder if she was catching feelings for him.

Surely she shouldn't, no, she couldn't! The thought of loving a demon who could rip her apart limb by limb if he wanted to made her fear, but her heart raced when she recalled the moment she just had with him. She picked up the flaming rose, that had fallen on the ground while they were dancing, and looked into it's passionate flame. As she was occupied in thoughts, Alastor was with Gideon and Seryla. "It isn't that difficult for you two to fade away. Infact, I can just make you two disappear right now." Alastor seemed to let out a low growl. Gideon chuckled and placed his hand on Alastor's shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about us getting in your way, my friend. We'll be as good as gone once we get what we want." He hissed. "And what exactly is that?" Alastor crossed his arms, eyebrow raised. Seryla smirked "Oh, don't act dumb. After all, who would want to trust a demon such as yourself? All you do is hurt humans, and you send their souls to Hell. You don't even have a use for human souls!" Alastor shook his head replying "You two only exist because (y/n)'s soul has both your master's attributes. I'm not going to give her to you that easily."

Gideon smirked "Well, what makes you so sure that you have full control over her?" Alastor snapped his fingers out of anger, and flaming chains wrapped around the two. They grunted in pain as the flames burnt them, but not destroy them. "You know things that I don't, and I know things that you two don't. So don't test me." And with that he vanished, the chains disappeared, and both Gideon and Seryla fell to the ground. Gideon chucked as he eyed Seryla and replied "Let's see if (Y/n) will put your dagger into good use."

Seryla stood up and slapped Gideon, shouting "I knew that you gave her my Dagger without my consent! A human cannot possibly withstand it's power! Are you trying to kill us all?!" Gideon rolled his eyes asking "Why? What's the big deal?" Seryla slapped him again "If she stabs any demon with that dagger, she will kill the demon, but she herself will also die from the immense cold that will flow from the powerful dagger into her soul, which will wipe us out of existence forever!"

As Seryla was about to slap him again, he got up and held her wrist. "We won't if we get to her soul first before it freezes." He then threw Seryla across the hallway before walking away.

⊱《Sugar ⍎ Daddy》⊰  [Alastor x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now