Chapter 17: Paintings

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After her normal morning routine, she left the room and went to the dining area. Just as she was heading there, she walked down the same hallway that leads to the Library, where her eyes were instantly glued on those four paintings once again: The Manor, The Couple, The Shattered Items, and The Burning Book. Her mind was still curious on why her father placed the paintings in this order and made the password as such.

She shook it off and went to the dining area to find Gideon and Seryla standing there with their regular sweet smiles "Good Morning Madamé" they would greet every morning. She nodded and replied "Morning you two." The bruises on (y/n)'s body were healing surprising well and her mood had been somewhat improving since she left her damned college. Sure, she longed for education, but she could read her mother's old encyclopedias if she wanted to know about something.

Before her, sat a plate with a Pavlova adorned with strawberries and raspberries as they sat upon dollups of fresh whip cream. Beside the dish was a fragrant cup of jasmine tea to begin the day. She began to wonder if this was how her parents were treated. Of course, she can't recall past recollections for an innocent child has no such experience with how to appreciate and savour moments. She took a bite after bite of the sweet, fluffy confectionary, easing it down with sips of tea. Gideon then walked over and sat down next to her.

"Have you thought about any ways to get rid of Alastor yet? It's better if he's gone sooner than later. Once he gets too much power he will abuse everything and try to regain the control he had on this place." Now clearly, (Y/n) pretended to have no idea what Gideon was talking about for she has never heard of Alastor claiming that he wanted to take over anything, deciding to play along. "What do you suggest?" She asked, taking another sip of Jasmine tea. "Well... you could use the dagger." He smirked. (Y/n) had somewhat forgotten about the dagger she had left inside her drawer.

"Oh yeah... that. Tell me again why you need to get rid of Alastor?" She questioned, hoping to not loose composure. Gideon sighed and replied "He is a threat to you and only using you as a ladder to get what he wants." (Y/n) paused and looked at Gideon with a glare "Which is?" And all Gideon did was stammer. Seryla facepalmed herself before she spoke up " He likes to toy with people's emotions and get to their head. We are only wanting the best for you, and the faster he leaves, the safer you will be."

(Y/n) didn't say anything else, and not a single gesture was given. She simply stood up after the meal and walked away, hoping to find Alastor to talk about the stupid words she heard that morning. She walked around, calling out to him through her thoughts. She then found him looking at the four images. "Whatcha looking at?" She laughed awkwardly. He sighed and said "These paintings have a history and a story to it. Have you heard of it before?" (Y/n) shook her head, curious as ever. Alastor gave out a chuckle and pointed at the first painting.

"A manor filled with joy and wonder; collapsed and lost all its splendour.
It's owners were in squalor;
And darkness became louder.
It's happiness and joyful nature;
Seemed to have been stolen.
By forces of spirits;
Not by men or women."

He then pointed to the second painting.

"The prince and the princess were of up most importance;
But gave up their status to help for the manor's losses.
They hung around the master and mistress;
Until they one day disappeared, sending distress.
The royalties were not swayed by this;
And instead stayed silent.
For they were called upon the midst;
And they await the fallen."

Alastor shifted and pointed to the third painting.

"One by one, memories faded;
People lost, and time evaded.
One by one the souls were taken;
To fuel their helpers; and help them awaken.
Years went by, a prophecy foretold;
A rite will be broken, making the story unfold.
The deaths of the family will not be in vain;
After the chosen one erases the pain."

He then pauses and looks at the last one.

"Once it has been done, the last chapter re-written;
All will be good and free of intermission.
The Fallen rulers will go back to the ground; as their flesh and bones will never be found.
The promises and deals that they have made; will no longer prevail and no longer remain.
So until the chosen one is properly found;
The Prophecy will forever be bound."

"You see... everything has a reason. And I believe if you follow your heart, you will find the answers you seek. As for your insecurity, I would like to confess that I too have feelings for you. I've recently been feeling slightly heated around you and have been keeping them to myself, until now. But feelings aside, you are the only one who can determine your path. Whatever decision you choose, I cannot force you." He said with a genuine smile. "Oh and there might be some things that you still want to find out... don't you?"

Before (Y/n) could reply, Alastor was gone, once again. She began to think on what else she wanted to know. She ran back to her room and took out a notepad and her pencil, where she began to write a few bullet points. The sheer determination to place all the final pieces together seems to lead to the end of all this fighting once and for all.

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