The Choice

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This is purely a fictional work!

Amrit's POV-

Kanha you came is much more than I could ask for. I don't need anything" I said with a smile.

"No but I want to give you se gift. Ask for anything and it will be granted" He insisted


I was so confused. I mean what can I ask him to give me. And then suddenly.

"I want to go to the time of Mahabharat and be a part of that great epic"


Amrit's POV-

I saw him smile for a split second and then he made a shocked expression.

"That's an unusual wish" he said as he walk around me. "Are you sure you want that?"

I felt a strange feeling in the way he  spoke.

I nodded my head "Yes Kanha. I am sure"

I could see his expression changing a bit.

"So for that I have some conditions." He said as he sat on a chair.

I sat in front of him as he continued.

"You will be taken to that time but you will have to promise me that you won't do anything that might change the story"


"You won't tell anyone what is gonna happen to them in future"

"As you say"

"You won't be known to the world as a part of the epic. That's something I will take care of"

I thought for a second and then nodded as yes.

I don't mind not being known as a part of it. I just want to live it. The epic of all emotions.

"Ok so now, you can ask for 4 wishes" he smirked "To help you."

What can I ask for? Wait I have an idea.

"Firstly, I want to understand their language"

"Secondly, I want to remember all the songs of this time and would be a great singer"

At least I could be a singer in that time.

"Thirdly, I want to be a great dancer"

Dancer. What can I ask more?

"I could go anywhere I want in no time"

Teleportation! Yay!

"That's it, Kanha"

"As you say Ammu!" He put his hand in the position of blessing.

And the next moment,
We were surrounded by white lights.

I felt like someone was pushing and pulling me.

Kanha looked unaffected as he kept a calm smile on his face.

"We are going to the time of Kala Pradarshan of the princes of Hastinapur'

I nodded.

"It is two days before that day.I will be in Dwarka. Dauu also knows about you. The only thing you will have to do is to make Karna your brother, if you want"

"As you say"

"And you will be Vayu- Putri with wind always being with you"

"Thanks Kanha"

And then suddenly a beam of light flashes on me eyes which forced my eyes to be closed.

I could feel the surrounding changing.

As I opened my eyes I saw--

To Be Continued

Author's Note-

I know it's a really short part. That's because the next part is like the beginning of a story and I wanted it to be separate.

This part was to just show what was Amrit told to follow.

It's really hard for me to write Amrit as the name of the main character as I always imagined her as Rashi {That's me}. But still..

And ya I want you all to comment which actors  you want to play as Krishna and Amrit.

Hope you like this part. Please share this story to make it reach a larger audience

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