A New Friendship

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Amrit's POV

"I don't want any advice from my enemy's sister" Arjun said in frustration.

Now that's really rude Mr. Arjun.

"But you can take advice from your friend's sister, right?" I replied while looking straight into his eyes.

"Angraj is not my friend!" He said in anger, glaring in my eyes.

"But Krishna is!" I replied in the same tone as his.

He was fully shocked. His eyes explored my face while his expression remained the same.

"You are Madhav's sister?" He asked, his voice much softer now.

I nodded, my eyes not leaving his.

And then we heard the hissing of the snake.

"I don't know what you want to do, but I think the best and safest option is to kill this massive snake" He said as he looked at the snake's direction.

"Why do you warriors always think of war and killing someone?" I said as I sigh.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It might be the best and safest option in your view but not in mine" I replied

"Why?" He asked with some softness in his tone.

"Because I have been living in this forest for almost 2 years and I jsut can't see anyone harming me. They are like a part of me now" I explained, not maintaining eye contact.

Why do I feel so shy?

"I have noticed that if it feels like no one is around, it just goes back to it's area. Maybe..."I said

"Maybe we should just wait here." He completed me.

We both smiled. And then suddenly I realised that we both are two close to each other. Just an inch apart.

Suddenly, it felt like an earthquake and we both managed to keept standing somehow.

His hand on my waist holding me tightly while my hand is holding his shoulder.

He feels so warm. I am liking this feeling a lot.

I felt like blushing but controlled myself. He had a neutral expression on his face.

He looks unaffected. But still so handsome.

What the hell is happening with my mind?

As I came into my senses, I moved his hand from my waist and stepped a bit back.

Even his expression changed for a second.

I am already missing his hand's warmth.

But he avoided I contact and turned towards the snake's direction.

"I guess it's gone" he said.

"Maybe we should check" I suggested.

He nodded and we walked outside.

After checking around, we concluded that it is gone.

"So you said that you have been living here for two years. Why?" He asked.

"Just to fulfil a demand of my fate" I said not wanting to explain him.

"That's just like Madhav's answer" He remarked.

"That's because I am his sister" I replied.

He smiled.

"But you are Angraj's sister as well" He said with a bit of anger.

I nodded as I thought replying to him would make his mood worse.

I took him to a cave which I treat like my house.

"Beautifully arranged" Arjun remarked.

"Thank you, Rajkumar Arjun" I said as I sat on a rock.

He sat on another one in front of me.

"Welcome, Amrit" He said with some affection in his voice.

He just feels so good to be around. Even if it has been years since we properly talked.

"You wanna eat something?" I asked as I passed him some fruits.

"Of course!" He said as he took an apple.

"I know I was a bit rude, earlier. I am really sorry for that" He said in a sorry tone.

"It's ok. It was just your anger for Karn." I said trying to sound calm with a smile.

"So can we be friends?" Hs asked as he forwarded his hand.

"Yes we can" I smiled as I took his hand.

"But are you sure your brother won't be angry for this friendship?" He asked with concern.

"My brothers have given me freedom to be friends with anyone I want" I said in an assuring tone.

To Be Continued

Author's Note

I am sorry for this short part.

This chapter is for Arjun and Amrit's bonding.

I am sorry if it's not that much interesting or is not being able to grab your attention.

I am just not good at this.

And ya my story got 1K+ Reads

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