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Narrator's POV
It's been four years since Amrit arrived at Dwarka.

Many things have happened in these years.

Supriya had given birth to a beautiful son, Sushena.

Draupadi had given birth to Prativindhya (son of Yudhisthir) and Satanik (son of Nakul).

Amrit's POV

I sat near Vrushali who is 1 week pregnant and were watching Supriya as she tried to feed Sushena.

Sushena, even if he is just 3, is very moody and keeps his mother always running behind her.

I and Vrushali were laughing at their scene.

Vrishasen, Chitrasen and Satyasen entered the room.

Vrishasen came and sat beside me while the other two went to their mother.

I and Vrishasen has a special bond. I mean this kind of bond is not even between me and any of Kanha's sons. It's just between me and Vrishasen.

"Bua you know today I learnt how to shoot moving targets with blindfold." He proudly told me.

"And he has done better than I thought he would" Karn said as he entered the room and sat with us.

"After all he is MY brother's son" I said.

"By the way, you were telling about something important when you arrived here today morning. What is it?" He asked.

I have been in Dwarka for past two years and has arrived to Anga just today.

"Actually Karn, I need to tell you all something." I confessed.


Two days ago,
In Dwarka,

I was sitting with a little Samba and Charumati in the garden.

These two little kids of Kanha! Actually all children of Kanha are divine in some way or another, I just love spending my time with them.

It's been two years since I last visited Anga.

It's been four years since I last met Panchali. Panchali had given birth to two sons after that meeting and I hope to meet them soon.

But I just don't want to leave Dwarka, to leave Kanha, to leave his family.

I am just so much obsessed with them.

I was lost in all these thoughts when Kanha came and sit beside me.

"Kanha. Why do I feel like this?" I asked him.

"What do you feel like?" He asked innocently.

"You know that" I replied.

"But I love hearing reasons from your mouth" he said with a mischievous smile.

"Why do I feel so much obsessed with this place? Why do I feel like not leaving this place? Why do I feel like just being here for my rest of my life?" I asked

There was silence for a minute. And then he smiled while he looked at me.

"I guess it's time now" He said

"Time? For what?" I asked curiously.

"Everything has a specific time. It cannot be done before that time nor after that time. Just like that, these two years were the time when you had to be in Dwarka. And now, it's time to tell you ehat your destiny wants from you." He said slowly so that I can understand his words.

I was silent for a minute.

"What does it want?" I said referring to that destiny part.

"Do you remember I told you that you will get the answer of why you were the one I decided to appear before?" He asked.

I nodded as yes.

"You were the one because your destiny is related to this epic. The thing you never realised is that you were always the different one in your world. Whatever thing you had interest in, you would go deep into it. That's what you did with this epic as well. You researched it so well. But you never realised that even if this epic never mentioned you, never had any sign of you, it is incomplete without you just like it is incomplete without any other person.  You might never have your story written in any of those books but you have a part to play in this epic, you have a story for yourself. You are an important character for this story as well. This epic needs you as much as it needs any other character" He said with determination and confidence in his voice.

I just don't know what to think? I feel completely blank. I just can't understand how? How does Mahabharata need me? I hardly am any use to it.

But I can't question whatever Kanha said. Everything he says has a definite meaning and it is always true. And if he says that I am a part of this epic then I am.

"But how Kanha? How can I fulfil my part?" I asked as a devotee asks her god.

"Do you remember I told you that you will Vayuputri and will have wind around you always to help you?" He asked in the same tone.

I nodded as yes.

"But for that you need to do some tapasya. It's not the tapasya as most of the people do. You will go to  Padmavan using your powers and  you will serve the nature there until you get a signal that your tapasya is over." He told me.

I nodded as I understood.

I will have to go to Padmavan using teleportation but can I first go to Anga and meet Karn and his family there?

"Yes you can" Kanha said replying to my thought.

"Thanks Kanha" I said and hugged him.

~End Of Flashback~

I explained to Karn that Kanha had told me that I should go to Padmavan for a tapasya for the need of my destiny which is somewhat related to wind but I spared any other details.

"I think you should go. I know that I and Vasudev are from different sides but I have heard about him and do respect him and you are his sister as much as you are mine. I am sure he will only think good for his sister" Karn smiled while speaking.

"I will leave tomorrow then" I said.

He nodded his head as yes.

I am so lucky I got brothers like him and Kanha.

To Be Continued

Author's Note

First of all this part is completely fictional.

Secondly, I don't  know if there's even a forest with name Padmavan. I just used it as its suitable for the name of the forest I am imagining.

And I am sorry as I can't make Kanha's speech as it should have been. I just don't have that much brain.

And a question, what do you all think is Amrit's destiny?

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