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Amrit's POV

I walked out of my room completely ready for the day.

Ammu, why are you nervous?
There is nothing to be nervous about.
This day isn't even about you.
Now, calm down.

Soon, the event started. I completely pretended to understand everything that was going on, but in truth, I had no idea about any rituals, about any customs,about anything.

Panchali asked me to help her a few times and even she was shocked to see how useless I can be sometimes.

It is not my fault that I am useless--
Ok fine, it is my fault.
But in my defense, I am useless in many things.

Now looking back at that day, I realise that I still am useless.

I tried so much to somehow get to talk to Kanha. But either he was busy, or I was trying to help others.

I need to ask Kanha about him.
Why did I see him when I did that trick?
It can't be right.
He can't be my true love.
I mean not that I don't like him but I don't him that I like him in that way.
Maybe I like him that way but that doesn't matter.
That shouldn't matter.
Liking and loving is different.
In fact, I think I just have a small crush on him. That's normal.
Now, Ammu stop OVERTHINKING.

And there I went back to help while still being useless and desperately trying to be at least a bit useful.

I was walking with some stuffs in my hand. I kept those stuffs where they were needed to be kept and was walking back to the ceremony hall.

Now, I am going to Kanha and straightforwardly ask about 'him'.

I was lost in my thoughts, planning what and how to ask Kanha, when I stopped paying attention to where I was walking and lost my balance and fall.

Everyone near me came to help me. It turned out that I have sprained my ankle.

Ammu,I hate you.
I mean how did you even lose your balance.
You really need to learn walking.

Everyone suggested that I should go back to my room and rest.

That sounds like a good idea.

I somehow was able to have a look of the ceremony hall from distance before turning back to go to my room.

And I saw Kanha smiling.

Ok, that calmed my mind.
I am very calm now.
Too calm for Amrit.
Ouch-- the leg really hurts.
Like my maa used to say,
Amrit never learned walking.
Now I understand how true she was regarding that.

Guess who missed most of the events of the day because she was not paying attention and sprained her leg.

Yup, you are right.

And I missed all the interesting stuffs. I mean you all already know what happened on that day and yes, I missed them all.

But I had a really good sleep if that matters.

Next day, Panchali came to my room to check on me.

"So, how is your leg?" She asked softly while sitting beside me.

I looked at my leg and said "Dead. My mother always used to say that I can't walk properly because I would always fall or bump into something or other."

"She was definitely right then" Panchali said smiling.

"Yeah, mothers are hardly wrong." I agreed with her.

Except one time when she saw me with my friend's boyfriend and thought that he was my boyfriend-- but that story is not important right now.

"Is Kanha still here?" I asked her.

"He is." She replied. My excitement at her reply definitely confused her.

I got up.

"I need to talk to him" I said.

"But your leg---" She looked confused.

"That doesn't matter right now" I replied and started walking towards his room. More like limping towards his room.

I finally saw him in his room.

"Can I need to ask you something?" I said as I enter.

He smiled and looked at me while replying "No you don't"

I mean if he is saying with that confidence, maybe I actually don't need to ask him anything.

I almost turned to leave.

Just ask him, Ammu.
You do need to ask him.

I walked to him.

"How is your leg, Amrit?" He asked in his calm voice.

"Fine. Good." I replied while looking at him. "Kanha, why did I see him?" I asked just at once.

"Ask yourself not me" He replied.

"I asked myself but I am not getting an answer." I replied back sounding confused.

"Then you are not asking yourself properly. Your heart definitely knows the answer." He said in a calm tone.

Why is his voice always so calm and soothing?

I think my heart and mind are sprained too. That sounds like a logical reason for why I am not being able to satisfy myself with a logical answer.

"Also who is that him?" He asked teasingly

"You know who that him is" I replied.

"I want to hear it from you" ,He replied with his playful smile.

"Fine" I sighed. "He is---"

To Be Continued

Author's Note

I didn't go in too much details regarding the Rajasuya Yagya because to be honest, my mind was just not able to picture Amrit properly in the event.

Well first of all thanks for being as patient as you all are. I am really grateful for that.

Secondly, I just wanted to clear something out to you all. When I first this story, I was full of inspiration and was full of excitement for sharing the story which has been on my mind for years. But now, I have somewhat lost the inspiration, I have lost the excitement. And that is one of the many reasons why the updates are irregular now, why my story might not have the magic it used to have before. But don't worry, I won't give up on this story. I won't give up writing this. I will somehow end this.

Thirdly, I have to ask something. I kind of want an opinion. So.. when I first thought this story I was 11 and when I started writing this on Wattpad I was 14. The ending which I thought at that time seems childhish to me now. It seems very forced. But then again the thought of having some other ending seems like injustice to the younger me and to this story which I kind of started thinking because of that ending.

So... I wanna ask you all. Will you prefer the ending the way I initially wanted (I will obviously try to make it a bit mature but it will stay childish) or do you prefer a completely new matured ending for which I will have to make changes in some parts.

Thanks again, everyone for the views, the votes and the support.

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