The Dead

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Amrit's POV

Karn was still in shock.

It was too much for him, to bear the rejection for being a sut, and to lose his eldest son. And he still had to bear Vrushali and calm her down.

I just can't even think about her reaction. She never shows much of her feelings. She tries to be conserved and just be happy in other's happiness. But now.. she would be completely broken.

We all departed for Anga. Duryodhan came with us. He just don't wanted to leave his friend alone.

It's truly said that maybe the beginning of the friendship was just for the sake of profit but it was one of the truest friendships ever.

Soon we reached Anga. Vrushali was waiting for us with her Aarti Thali. With her were Supriya, Radha Kaki, and Vrishasen.

Vrushali's POV

Here comes my Radheya and Sudama in their chariot.

Sudama was too much excited to see Draupadi's svayamvar. He convinced both me and Radheya and promised that he won't be naughty for a month.

I am so happy he is coming back. None of my sons have been away from me even for a day. I want to ask him so many things.

I saw Radheya get down of his chariot and took a body in his arms. He walk towards us. Behind him were Amrit and Rajkumar Duryodhan.

As he came closer, I looked at the body. It was of my Sudama. He was lifeless.

"Sudama!" I shouted as I ran to Radheya.

My dear son was laying on his father's arms lifeless.

"What has happened to him Radheya?" I asked as tears flow from my eyes.

Radheya was quiet. As if he was still in shock.

"You promised us that you will protect all of my sons!" I shouted as I sat on the ground crying "You promised me!"

I could see Maa and Supriya crying. Amrit held Vrishsen who was crying too.

But my mind was only lost in my son, my Sudama. He was only 9 years old!!

"Vrushali, it's not Karn's fault" Rajkumar Duryodhan tried to explain. "It was the fault of those Brahmins whom I am sure were the Pandavs."

"Why God? Why my Sudama? What has he even done" I cried.

"I don't care whose fault it was, Rajkumar." I said to him "Whoever's fault it was but why my son had to bear the consequence. He just wanted to see the svayamvar. Is that his crime?"

"No Vrushali--" Rajkumar Duryodhan started.

"No Rajkumar Duryodhan" I cut him off "This is our family matter so please stay  out of this"

I walked inside the castle with tears flowing from my eyes.

I stopped at the puja ghar.

"Why Mahadev? Why my son? Why my Sudama? What was his crime? What had he even done to bear a death at that age?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Amrit.

Amrit's POV

"Vrushali Bhabhi" I said as I kept my hand on her shoulder.

She was totally broken. Her eyes filled with tears asked for answers.

"You need to be strong" I whispered as I sat beside her.

"But why?  My son only?" She cried as she turned to be.

"I don't know but.." I tried to comfort her "you need to be strong for Radha Kaki, for Karn , for Vrishasen and for Chitrasen. They all need you"

"But my Suda--" She started speaking.

She fainted before she could complete. I called the maids and they took her to her room.

Supriya was with her.

"I am here, but I think you should be with Aarya , he hasn't eaten anything " Supriya told me.

I took the food with me to Karn's room. He was there with Chitrasen, Vrishasen and Satyasen. Satyasen was in his arms.

But he still felt unconscious and lifeless.

I went and sat in front of him.

"Karn" I said.

No response.

I shaked him a bit. He came into his sense.

"Eat something" I said as I passed him the plate.

"I am not hungry" he said as he looked at me. "How is Vrushali?"

"She fainted" I couldn't findwords as I saw his teary eyes.

"Karn, you need to be strong" I said "For your family" I said looking at the boys.

"Vrishasen" Karn called and he came "Now you are the elder brother, remember that you need to take care of everyone when I am not here"

"Don't worry Pitashree I will . And I will also become a warrior as good as you " He said assuring his father.

Karn hugged him. Seeing them hug, Chitrasen joined them.

I smiled.

You will be a great warrior Vrishasen.

I turned and saw Vrushali smiling at them, as she stood at the door.

I was about to say something when she signalled me to be quiet .

Just then a messenger came,
"Sorry to disturb you Angraj but Rajkumar Duryodhan had sent a message for you"

I took the letter from him and started reading

"Sorry to disturb Mitr (friend) but I need you here in the palace. The Brahmin who won Draupadi was no one else but Arjun. All the pandavas are alive and they all have married Draupadi and they are returning go claim there part from the kingdom.- Duryodhan"

So they all have married.

I looked at Karn and then at Vrushali. Karn was looking at her.

"You must go Radheya" she said "Your friend needs you"

He smiled "Thanks"

Suddenly Radha Kaki came.

"Vasusen" she said.

"Yes Mata" he replied.

"Our Sudama is back, Supriya is pregnant" she said with a smile.

"What? " Karn asked as he started going.

He left the room and went to Supriya's chamber.

He still hasn't eaten anything!!

Author's Note

This chapter was meant to be emotional but I am still not good at it.

And how many are excited for Amrit-Arjun scenes?

The next few chapters will also have a lot of emotional elements and I am sorry for the possibility of not expressing them properly.

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