I Quit

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Amrit's POV

I played with the little kids for sometime.
It's just feels so good to play with them.

These kids and their innocence,
It just makes me forget all my problems.
I still remember how mother used to say that a kid is your best stress reliever.
I can't disagree with that.

It was almost the time of sunset now. The kids went to their respective houses. I was sitting under a tree not wanting to return.

I touched the bracelet in my hand.

I never mentioned the bracelet before. Right?
It is a bracelet given to me by my mother on my 15th birthday.
Ever since then, I have never opened it.
It's like a body part of mine now.

I looked at it as a few drops of tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I miss you, Maa" I said softly and then looked at the setting sun.
"I-- I just can't handle this anymore"

I wiped my tears and stood up. I started walking towards the palace.

I entered the hallway and started searching for Kanha.

"Have you seen, Kanha?" I asked a maid.

Before she could reply, a voice interrupted us.

I turned and saw Subu and Arjun.

"Searching for Madhav?" Arjun asked to which I nodded as yes.

"He is in his room, Amrit" Arjun replied with a smile.

"But you can't meet Bhrata Krishna right now" Subu interrupted us.

"Why?" I asked making an innocent childish face.

"Because Draupadi Jiji was searching for you and she is very angry at you" Subu told and then started walking away.

"What? But this is not fair. I just hope she won't kill me." I whispered which I am sure both of them heard.

I then walked to Panchali's room. I knocked the door and she opened the door.

"So there you are. I have been searching for you the whole day. Where were you, Ammu?" She asked sounding annoyed with me.

"I-- I was outside." I said as I walked in. "But I am back now, tell me my queen, you were you searching for me" I joked.

"You and your useless jokes, Ammu" she sighed.

"But you still tolerate me" I sighed too only to irritate her.

"Ok listen, there is a small festival tomorrow and the people had invited us to be there with them. I want you to get me and Satya ready. You are really good at all that stuffs. Will that be ok?" She explained to me.

"Yes that is fine. But you and Satya Bhabhi are better in that compared to me. Then why my help?" I asked confusedly.

"Because you haven't been spending sufficient time with us. Always going to that secret lover of yours" She taunted me.

I felt a bit sad but then smiled.

"Don't worry that won't happen again" I said as I gave a forced smile.

"Ok. So can I go now? I need to talk to Kanha." I asked standing up.

"Sure, you can" She replied.

I walked outside her room and towards Kanha's room.

I knocked the door and he opened it with a smile.

"Come in, Ammu" He said maintaining the smile.

"Kanha..." I said looking into his eyes "Did I do correct?"

"What do you think, Ammu? Was not giving a guy who had original planned to break you heart, correct?" He said in a soft tone.

"I-- don't know" And saying so I hugged him.

My smile faded away and I let my tears flow and roll down my cheeks not wanting to hid them anymore.

I just can't handle this anymore.
I am sorry
But I can't.

"Kanha..." I tried to find my voice "I don't wanna stay here anymore"

His smile faded and his expression turned into a serious one.

"What do you mean Amrit?" He asked in a calm but serious tone.

"Ever since, I came here to this era, I have felt a change in me. I am not the Amrit I used to me. I know that I have you here but I miss my family. I wasn't able to live a day without them but now I have spent like decades without even seeing them. That Amrit knew what heartbreaks were like and how to handle them but this Amrit just feels so helpless. I know you told me that this is my destiny but I don't think I want to achieve my destiny not by feeling so helpless and by feeling that I have lost the real me." I let tears flow as I opened my heart to Kanha.

"So does that mean you are thinking about to quit? Remember Ammu, quitting is never the solution, facing it is. You were the one who wanted to come to this era and now that you are here, you cannot lose your faith from yourselves. Everyone has problems in their lives. And people do change but for their better." He tried to explain to me.

"But Kanha... I can't take it anymore. I wanna go back." I wiped my tears and looked into his eyes "I... quit"

To Be Continued

Author's Note-

First of all very sorry for such a late chapter.

This chapter was not at all planned and is just what I thought to add today only.

Thanks for 11K+ reads. It's like a dream come true.

I would also request you all to read the other stories of mine as they are equally important to me.

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