Chapter 2

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     Serena and I sat at our usual lunch table with our friend, Liam. Our lunch table was at the corner of the busy cafeteria, away from the other students. Liam and I specifically chose the spot for that reason, but Serena was never happy about that. I could see it on her face now.

     "We're such losers," Serena said, huffing.

     "Hey!" Liam exclaimed. "Maybe you are, but not me... or Nivenah."

     Serena gave Liam a look and Liam returned it. I sat next to Serena who sat across from Liam, unsure of what to say.

     "No one knows we exist and we're second year students," Serena said, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. "We're losers."

     "I'm happy no one knows I exist," I said, shrugging. "What's so great about being known?"

     Serena shot me a look that told me I wasn't helping. I shrugged again, wondering what she expected. Being a wallflower was what I wanted. I hated attention and I was thankful no one knew I existed.

     "That's such a boring way to live, Nivenah," Serena said. "Don't you want to have everyone's eyes on you? Don't you want to be loved by everyone?"

     "No," I said, frowning. "I rather have a boring life."

     Serena sighed and rolled her brown eyes, looking annoyed. I took a sip of my chocolate milk and looked at Liam, who rolled his brown eyes as well. Fighting back a smile, I looked down at our table.

     "One day when I'm a famous singer everyone will know I exist," Serena said. "I'll be living life to the fullest and both of you will regret living life like this."

     "Well, that would sound nice..." Liam mumbled, rolling his eyes again. "But, you can't sing."

     I nearly choked on my chocolate milk and my eyes flew to Serena. She was blushing and something tugged at my heart. We all knew Serena couldn't sing - she knew too, but she still dreamt of being a famous singer. Because of that, I shot Liam a look to tell him he went too far.

     "Well, you don't have to be able to sing to be a singer," Serena said. "That's what autotune's for."

     Both Liam and I gave Serena a look and she put her hands up defensively. I sighed at that, knowing Serena never appreciated how much work it took to be a good singer.

     "What? It's true," she said.

     Before either of us could defend singers, Serena's eyes darted off to the side. Her eyebrows rose and a small smile crept onto her face, and I frowned.

     "You're right, Nivenah," Serena said. "Carson always looks annoyed."

     I followed her gaze and saw Carson standing by the table he usually sat at. His friends were there, laughing about something, but Carson stood off to the side, looking annoyed. He was wearing a scowl and his eyebrows were furrowed, and I wondered what he was upset about.

     "He's still cute, even when he's annoyed," Serena said, shrugging.

     "He's a jerk," Liam said, scoffing. "He bosses everyone around and thinks he's better than everyone because his dad owns Vandos."

      Serena rolled her eyes. "He's still cute."

     Liam rolled his eyes and I sighed lightly. Serena and Liam were constantly arguing about everything. Lunch was never peaceful, but sometimes their arguments were entertaining, which was why I hadn't run from them yet.

     "Anyways, about singing," Liam said. "Nivenah, how did you learn to sing? You're one of the best singers I've ever heard and... I'm not saying you're not naturally talented, but how did you get that good?"

      "I started singing when I was six... and I've been singing since then," I said, blushing. "I... I don't know, but I guess I'm constantly practicing."

      "I'm jealous," Serena said. "You sound like a goddess when you sing. I wish I could sing half as good as you do."

     I blushed harder and shrugged, unsure of what to say. Liam and Serena were the only people who knew I sang. They had surprised me for my birthday and heard me singing, which left them exclaiming how I was the next Witney Houston. It had been embarrassing and whenever they brought up my singing, I was left unsure of what to say.

     "You're too humble," Liam said, smiling.

     "I think it's weird that you keep your talent a secret," Serena said. "If I were you, I'd be belting my lungs out and showing the world how amazing I am. And before you know it, I'd be a millionaire with millions of fans."

     "You know that would be my worst nightmare," I said, horrified.

     "What, being a millionaire?"

     "No, having millions of fans."

     I shuddered at the thought of having millions of fans. A vivid image of having fans invade my personal space as I sung on stage made me pale and I stared at Serena, my eyes wide.

     "Damn Nivenah, relax," Serena said. "I was only joking. I know you hate attention, but... it's sad no one will ever know how talented you are. The world is going to miss out."

     "That's fine," I said. "I like singing for myself and no one else. I'm content."

     Serena sighed and I knew she didn't understand why I hated attention so much. She was the opposite of me, wishing to have attention on her at all times.

     "Nivenah is not you, Serena," Liam said. "Just because you want something, doesn't mean Nivenah needs to want it, too."

     Serena shot Liam a look and he rolled his eyes. He ran his fingers through his chocolate hair and took a bite of his sandwich, annoyed. I sighed now, tired of our argument.

     "Let's talk about something else," I said. "We all know I never want anyone to know I can sing and that will never change. Let's never brings this up again."

     "Okay," Liam said. "How's Chemistry?"

     Serena began to rant about our professor who gave last minute extensions and I found myself relaxing. I hadn't realized I had become so tense from our argument, but I could feel my muscles unwinding as we talked about our professor. Singing was personal and it always left me riled up, which was why I sometimes wished Serena and Liam never knew I sang. But, I couldn't go back to the past and change things, so I was left to hope one day, Serena would understand and leave me alone.

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