Chapter XXVI

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update! School's kept me so busy, and whenever I have free time, I literally just do nothing. I'm tired by the time I have motivation to write. Today was pretty open, and I haven't done anything to tire myself out. I hope you like it!(:


AT A REST stop we went to a couple of days after we left the school, Scott went to buy a digital newspaper. He never buys newspapers, remember that. This concerned me, so I asked why.

     "We're on the front page," he answered. "So is the school." He tilted the holographic paper in my direction. I looked at it closely.

     At the top was the title, "Mutants at Mutant High disappear." There was a large photo of the school, then mug shots of the living X-Men below. I skimmed through it - I hate reading newspaper articles all the way through - and found that people had noticed the evacuation. The ticket master must've slipped up. The police tried to get into the school to look more into it, but the school defended itself.

      I pushed the paper away after I had finished skimming. "They're gonna be on the lookout, aren't they?"

     "Yeah," he answered. "We're gonna need a different car. They might know our plates for the van. Any surveillance cameras will be looking for us."

     I sighed. "I'm gonna have to be on radar for suspicious people." I rubbed my eyelids.

     Scott rubbed his hand against my shoulder. "This will all end soon, Andi. Just keep pushing on."

     I leaned on his shoulder. "Scott, this won't end soon. But it will destroy every last one of us."

     He sighed. "I know it will."

     Logan, Jean and Storm opened the doors of the van and climbed in. I lifted my head and turned around to look at them.

      Jean asked, "What's wrong?"

      Scott handed the paper, and I explained what it read. Then he told them that we need to get another car.

     "So we're going to have to hi-jack a car?" Logan asked.

     I glanced at Scott. He nodded reluctantly. "Yeah."

     Logan smirked. "I'm your guy."


That evening, we waited for a car large enough for all of us to park and have the people come out of it.

     The perfect car came in at about 2am. The people didn't come out.

     "Jean, Andi," Scott whispered, "we're gonna need you."

     Jean and I exhanged looks, then nodded in unison. We controlled the people in the car, making them want to think they have to pee.

     The people in the car each left the car. I made sure the keys were left inside, and the doors were unlocked.

    "Now," I signaled.

     Scott stepped out of the car and threw up a fist. At the bathrooms, Logan ran up to the people, knocking them out. He pulled the unconscious bodies into the bathrooms.

     We sprinted (I used my powers to carry myself and the wheelchair) towards the car and climbed in. There were clothes and food inside.

      "Seems like somebody else was on the run," Logan commented.

     Storm buckled her seat belt and said, "Let's get going." Then she turned on the car.

     "We are so in trouble," I muttered under my breath.

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