When Book Crushes Collide

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Note: yes, I wrote this in the third person with myself as the protagonist. I have book crushes and an imagination; sometimes I use it... Sometimes it fails.

There they were. Zach Goode, Peeta Mellark, Isaac and Percy Jackson. 

             "Let's meet the boys!" the announcer exclaimed in a great big booming voice.

              Amy was walking up the stairs, desperate for a well needed lie-down. As she turned the handle and opened the door to her room, she was startled to see that where her bed should be there was a big man with a cheesy grin. Oh, and her room was huge, with four of her book crushes lounging around and looking all confused.

             Amy gasped. No way, no way, no way! These were the guys she had dreamed about! The guys who she had read about, fawned over and punched – through the paper. These were the guys.

             Super-hot-spy-boy Zachary Goode stood behind his pedestal with a smirk and a glimmer in his startling green eyes. Next to him was a nervous looking Peeta, clutching onto a loaf of bread for dear life. His blonde hair was messy and his apron crumpled. His face was looking uneasy, and it was if  FML was tatooed to his forehead. I mean, you can only go into the Hunger Games so many times!

             On the opposite side stood an icy-looking Isaac. His blue eyes were cold and mysterious, just how Amy loved them. His face remained emotionless as his fingertips tinged blue from his icy powers.

            Last but not least, there was Percy Jackson. He was looking weirded out, after battling Cylopses, Kronos and more, Percy wasn't prepared for this. His hand held onto a small ball point pen. Rip-tide.

            "Why aren't you with Cammie?" she asked Zach pointedly. Amy had always loved Cammie. She was the type of girl who could kick ass and blend into anywhere. She was a chameleon.

            "She's at Gallagher with Solomon. I was too, but then . . . Things got weird and then I was here," Zach replied, searching his surroundings. "What—where even am I?"

             Deciding she couldn't be bothered to give him a set answer, Amy moved onto Peeta, shooting him a glare. She used to like this bread-baking boy a long time ago. But then...She kind of stopped. "You should be with Katniss, making bread or something."

             A faint blush spread over his cheeks at the mention of Katniss. His Katniss, as he said so many times in the books (like I'm not even kidding: so. many. times). Amy vaguely remembered how whenever turned the page she would see some sappy love scene, and Amy was not a fan of that.

              Amy sent a shy smile at the stunning looking Isaac, who was standing there looking emotionless and calm. "So . . ." she murmured nervously. "How's Giselle doing?"

              "Fine," he answered coldly and then turned back to gazing at his fingers. 

              Amy frowned and then grinned. What could she say? She loved the hard to get guys. "OK," she conceded half-heartedly before standing next to Percy. "Hey, Perce. How's Annabeth?"

             Percy smiled, scanning the room, he probably thought that there would be some monsters or something and this was all a distraction. How naive he was. "She's good; she's fine. So is camp."

              Amy grinned again. "I know. I've seen the movie. And boy does Logan Lerman look cute in it!"

              "Wait? What! What movie? I'm in a movie? They know about camp? All our secrets! Oh, geez, if they find out about this. . ." he babbled, trailing off into a frantic worried state.

               Book Characters. So stupid when it came to the real world.

               Amy laughed as he started to panic. 


               "Yeah?" she answered, looking for the voice.

               "Amy! Amy! Amy!" the voice said again. 

                Amy's eyes popped open to see her best buddie, Emily, standing over her, with a smile. Amy rubbed her eyes and rose into a sitting position. 

                It was all a dream? 

                She suddenly felt very sheepish.  A seventeen year old with a mind that could make up something like that was . . .  Weird!

                She pushed her hands into her dressing gown's pockets and sighed. Her dream was freaky, to say the least. Her hand toyed with the fabric inside of her pocket until she felt a small piece of paper in her hand.

                 Amy pulled out the crumpled piece of paper and opened it up.

                  Hey, A,

                  It was nice to meet you.

                  Lots of love, 

                 Your fellow book friends: Baker-boy, Spy-Stud, Icy Isaac and Peachy Percy.

What the fuck?

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