Chapter 25

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"Agent McGhee informs me you took the team to Asgard," Vance began once the office door was closed. "Tell me, did our murder suspect decide to hide out there?"

"No," Gibbs answered with a slight shake of his head. "She didn't."

"Then why did you decide to go there?" Vance demanded.

"Agent Laufeyson needed medical care that only his own people could provide," Gibbs explained. "We escorted him to Asgard so that he could receive that care."

Vance glared at Gibbs. "Agent Gibbs, a Marine was murdered, and we need answers. You traveling to Asgard will not provide us with those answers."

"One of my agents is being controlled," Gibbs retorted angrily.

"One of your agents?" Vance repeated. "You mean the psychopathic maniac who tried to conquer New York? The one Nick Fury forced you to take? The one you don't want?"

Smoldering, Gibbs bit back the scathing comment that was on his tongue. Instead, he said, "Yes. The one I now realize needs us."

"He needs us?" Vance queried, a sarcastic note in his voice. "Is this the same Asgardian who punched DiNozzo? Who Agent Bishop aimed her loaded gun at? Who escaped NCIS custody?"

"And voluntarily returned to us and acknowledged his mistake." Gibbs finished quietly. "Who saved DiNozzo and Bishop from certain death? Who has provided us with information necessary to this investigation?"

Vance was quiet and didn't reply.

"Special Agent Loki Laufeyson did, Director," Gibbs said. "He has problems, but he has potential as well. Sir, he's the only reason two of my field agents aren't on Doctor Mallard's autopsy table right now. And he needs our help. Abby thinks McGhee can –"

"Gibbs, we need to solve this murder investigation," Vance said. "That's what NCIS's job is, not to save troublesome gods."

"Since when did solving a murder become more important than stopping one?"

Vance, who had already started to turn away, looked back at Gibbs. "Gibbs, this is an order. Make finding Clare Leopard your top priority."

Gibbs stared at Vance. "Is that your final word, sir?"

"Yes, it is."

Gibbs stared at Vance as the director added, "I thought you were a Marine, Gibbs. Isn't your motto Semper Fi? Do or die?"

"It is," Gibbs said. "But we also never leave a man behind to die, not when we can prevent it."


"I've got a BOLO out on Leopard's car," McGhee commented as he and Loki started searching for leads on their suspect.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Loki said, looking up with a furrowed brow.

McGhee eyed the Asgardian skeptically. "It means they're looking for her car."

"Who is looking for her car?" Loki queried.

"Law enforcement," McGhee answered.

Loki looked at McGhee, his own expression skeptical as he raised his eyebrows. "Aren't we law enforcement?"

"Police officers," the other agent stressed. "They'll be keeping an eye out for Leopard's car, to help us find it."

"Oh," Loki said. "You could have just said that in the first place."

"I did," McGhee sighed in exasperation.

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

Their argument was interrupted by a veteran entering their office block, NCIS guest clearance pinned to his coat. He was an elderly man, with white hair, a white mustache, and glasses. He walked through the office until he got to Loki's and McGhee's desks at the end of the row and stopped, looking at the god of mischief.

"Hey, kid," he called. "Where's the head?"

Loki wrinkled his brow. "Whose head are you referring to?"

"Uh, sir?" McGhee spoke up. "The bathroom is that way."

The veteran started to walk away, but then stopped and looked back at Loki. "Scuttlebutt is you're an alien," he remarked. "Is there any truth to that?"

Loki regarded the veteran with very puzzled expression. "I don't want to even begin dissecting that statement," he said.

McGhee held his hand up to get the Asgardian's attention. "Loki," he said. "Rumor goes."

"Oh," Loki said, understanding clearing up his quizzical expression. "I suppose, in your own primeval fashion, that that statement is correct. But technically, I am a god."

The veteran just laughed. "I knew they were just pulling my leg. Aliens are just a bunch of hogwash. Like superheroes in New York."

Laughing again, the veteran looked at McGhee. "Thank you, young man." Turning to Loki, he added, "See ya, punk," before walking past them.

Gibbs came around the corner just as the veteran was leaving the office block, a cup of hot coffee in his hand. With a "I'll take that, Gunny," the veteran plucked Gibbs' coffee cup out of his hand and continued walking.

McGhee stared at the retreating back of the veteran with gaping mouth. Loki looked from Gibbs to the veteran and back again. "What just happened?"

Gibbs glanced after the veteran, smiled, and left to get another cup of coffee.


So, I've got a question for you guys: who do you think the veteran was? 

If you can correctly guess who it is before my next update (next Sunday), you will get a shoutout in the next chapter. (Hint, hint: think Marvel!)

Once again, thanks for reading! Please comment and vote, and let me know what you think of the story! 

Have a great day! 

Skylar Wittenborn

Special Agent Loki LaufeysonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang