Chapter 82

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The entire NCIS team had assembled on the grass outside the Navy building, their expressions solemn. Even Vance had turned out to see Loki off, standing on the sidewalk away from the group with his hands clasped behind his back.

Thor stood several feet away from the group beside the Bifrost markings on the pavement, watching as they all said their goodbyes to the god of mischief. Abby launched herself at Loki, giving him a hug.

"Don't leave, Loki," she begged. "Stay with us."

"I wish I could, Abby," Loki said softly. "But I can't."

"You never let me see your scepter," she reminded him. "Like, really see it."

"I know. I'm sorry. But I don't have fond memories of that thing. It's for the best."

Stepping away from Abby, Loki shook Ducky's hand. "Farewell, Loki," Ducky said. "I wish you the best of luck returning to Asgard."

"Thank you, Ducky," Loki said. "I appreciate everything you've done for me." He tapped the fading scar on his cheek.

"My pleasure. You ensure you come back to NCIS, now."

"I will."

Jimmy offered Loki his hand, his expression serious. "It was nice meeting you, Agent Laufeyson."

"You too, Palmer," Loki said, shaking the assistant's hand.

McGhee looked at Loki for a moment, then sighed. "What the heck." Stepping forward, he hugged the god briefly, clapping him on the back. "You're always going to be one of us."

Loki grinned at the agent. "Thank you for the hat, McGhee."

"You should be thanking me for that hat," DiNozzo grumbled as Loki turned to him. The Italian agent regarded him for a second, then grinned and embraced him. "Don't hang around Asgard too long."

"Trust me, I won't," Loki said.

"You're family, Loki," DiNozzo said seriously. "Remember that."

"I will," Loki promised, smiling as he glanced at Bishop. Stepping closer to her, he slipped his arms around her waist as she draped hers over his shoulders.

"You're not family to me," she said, leaning in to kiss him. The others all applauded and cheered as Loki pulled her closer to him.

"I love you," he whispered as they broke apart.

Bishop tightened her arms around his neck as she embraced him. "I love you, too," she said into his ear.

"I'll return."

"If you don't, I'll kill you."

"Look at that," DiNozzo said. "Threatening bodily harm already. You guys make the rest of us blush."

McGhee frowned. "Tony, none of us can make you blush."

DiNozzo inclined his head. "True."

Gibbs regarded Loki with his head tilted. "Take care of yourself, Loki," he said. "Stay out of trouble."

"I make no promises," Loki grinned. "Thank you, for everything."

Vance came across the lawn towards the group. "Agent Laufeyson," he said. "NCIS is indebted to you for all of your aid with the Samson case."

"My pleasure, Director," Loki replied.

"Your badge will remain official," Vance told him. "Your position as an agent of NCIS is permanent, provided you obey the rules and keep your record clean."

Special Agent Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now