Chapter 5

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Present Day

Luke's POV

I couldnt get what Kenzie told me out of my head. I know she hasnt heard from Jess. Hell I havent heard from Jess, but I know where he is. I gotta do something even though. Im pissed at him for not graduating Im even more pissed that he is possibly just made Kenzie's life harder. 

"Umm... Luke you okay?" Lane asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Cause you have been staring off into space for like five minutes." She says.

"Sorry. I have something on my mind." I say.

"Is it pregnant Mackenzie with Jess's baby?" Kirk asks.

"Shut up Kirk." I say.

Just then Lorelai walked in and I went over to her.

"Hey Luke you okay?" Lorelai asks.

"No. He doesnt know. I know that my nephew is gonna be a father and he doesnt. Now I know its Kenzie's place to say, but she is going through alot. I dont know what to do." I say.

"Well..." She starts but I cut her off.

"I should tell him for her. That way he knows and can decided what to do. You dont have to agree with me. She is your kid I should leave it alone. Yeah I'll leave it alone." I say.

"I think he should know too. Though Im worried if she does the telling and he shuts her out she'll be crushed. Though you telling him wont hurt her cause if he yells at you to leave and that he doesnt want to be apart of this then okay. Though if he comes great, but also if he tells you no you can tell Kenz that you didnt talk to him after all." She says.

"So I should tell Jess, but make sure I get Kenzie's okay first." I say.

"Yeah its for the best." She says.

Hours later Kenzie had come in with her mother and sister and I went over to them.

"Kenzie, I need to know if its okay with you that I tell Jess. I know its your place, but he needs to know." I say.

"He does need to know, but not from you Luke. It has to be from me." Kenzie says.

"Hun what if he wants nothing to do with you or the baby?" Lorelai asks.

"Then that will be the end. Its better I hear what he has to say that way Im not sitting around putting my life on hold. Its so I can finally move on." Kenzie says.

"Okay. I wont tell him, but I'll get him here." I say.

She smiled softly and then I took their orders. After the diner closed I went upstairs and called Jess.

Phone Call

Jess: Hello

Luke: Hey Jess. I have something to tell you.

Jess: What?

Luke: Its Kenzie she....

Jess: Is she okay? Did she get hurt?

Luke: Shes okay-ish.

Jess: What does that mean?

Luke: It means if you still love her at all you will come her and talk to her. I cant say what it is. Its not my place. Think about it wisely Jess.

End Phone Call

By the concern in his voice he might show up here and if he does then... Well I dont know. Things could be good or things could be bad. I did not think this through.

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