⌜ special chapter ⌟

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the married couple cuddling down the sofa were peacefully watching some disney movie until the front door busted open showing a fifteen-year-old smiling widely with a tall boy, looking like a year older than him, being dragged beside him.

hello there jiro.❞ the couple greeted, still having that sweet cuddling position at the sofa.

what are you doing here?❞ mark asked politely, actually curious into why jisung and chenle's son is here. he doesn't usually come unless his parents tell him to.

chan hugged the tall male from behind, earning a groan from the boy but could do nothing as he was being bought so technically, he had to just go with what this smiling sunshine wants. ❝mine!

the parents by the sofa had their jaws dropped after hearing their son suddenly surprising them with telling that jiro is his. ❝jiro—

rin signed me up at that date for rent booth and this little shit right here rented me for four hours.

donghyuck then squinted his eyes after finding something wrong. he then remembered something and pointed a finger at chan who's hiding behind the tall boy, his small figure was completely covered by jiro. ❝you are not supposed to go out of the house! you're supposed to clean your room!

chan pouted as he stuck his head out of jiro's shoulder, giving his papa and daddy them puppy eyes thinking that they would fall for it. ❝but it's valentines day!

donghyuck and chan had a glaring contest meanwhile mark and jiro just sight at how childish the were acting. although, chan is still a kid meanwhile donghyuck is a kid by heart. mark then placed a peck on his lover's forehead to get his eyes off their son and get his attention instead.

and at the same time, an idea came to chan's amazing brain and grabbed jiro's arms immediately. ❝this is where jiro will come to good use!

what?❞ jiro furrowed his brows. he was supposed to be serving as a date, not as someone who  cleans after his mess.

who am i to have a date! i'm too young.❞ chan nodded at his own words, agreeing but on the inside he was already digging his own grave for him to sleep peacefully later. he'd recieve a beating from jiro, that's for sure. ❝definitely rented jiro for this purpose.

to clean your room?❞ donghyuck raised a brow, not believing his son because as far as he knows, this son of his is whipped for jiro. ❝who are you to fool me—

come on jiro! let's start cleaning, chop chop!❞ chan dragged the tall male up to the stairs, still feeling his parents gaze on him, especially the glare his papa is giving him, and not to mention jiro's eyes sending daggers right through him.

date 4 rent┃markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now