The calm

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"Hey doc" Barry laughs

Continuing Amies pov
[swords hitting]

"You've...gotten..better but not enough" Amie says knocking the sword out of his hand and catching it then noticed him grabbing his arm

"Ah" bruce says lifting his hand that had blood

"Oh god" amie says examining the cut "you need stitches"

"My first scar" bruce says

Amie laughs then grabs her kit as Bruce took of his shirt to reveal the scar more but it only reveals his abs

"Oh god help" Amie thinks "this is going to sting" she says then pours the alcohol (the medical one not the drink) on it

"Why Not disinfectant spray" Bruce says

"That won't help a deep cut"Amie says

"How do you know so much" Bruce says

"When they cut me they made me Stich myself up" Amie says

Roy walks in

"Training gone wrong" Roy says

"Yeah" Bruce says admiring Amie

Amie looks to the side to see Roy smirking and shot a look he held his hands up and mouthed sorry

"So how long have y'all been training with Oliver" Bruce says as Amie finished the scar and smiled at her walking away

"Roy has been with Oliver for about two years and me a year and a half I guess" Amie Says "how long have you been Batman" Amie says then wraps a bandage around the stitches

"About a year" Bruce says Tossing his shirt to the side "let's continue I want to beat you one day to go against Oliver" Bruce says

"Oh me to" Roy says taking off his shirt

"Whatever" Amie says then takes her shirt off "let's go" Roy and Amie fight but Bruce stared at Amies scars and burns then Roy snapped him out of it

"Bruce a little help" Roy says then Bruce started fighting but both ended up on the floor

"Ha...beat both of y'all" Amie says

"You wouldn't have if bat over here wasn't fantasizing about you" roy says as he gets up

"I..i wasn't fantasizing..I was surprised to see her scars" Bruce says blushing

"Yeah ok" Roy says then Amie hits him in the head "ow"

"Are you sure your ok" Amie says looking at his cut again

"I'm fine" Bruce says

"Well let's take a break from training" Amie Says

Oliver's POV
He just got back from taking a street gang down and met Barry for dinner

"Hey" Oliver says

"Hi" Barry says then they kiss "So did you get them"

"Yeah" Oliver says "but let's keep this night about us"

"Ok" Barry says "do you hear that"

[ aircraft whistling]

"Get down" Oliver says then an explosion went through and sent them flying knocking Barry out hitting his stomach "barry" he says as he picks him up

Star labs
"Is he ok" Amie says as Bruce and Roy fallow

"He's fine but someone else is not" Caitlyn says showing them the baby

"He was pregnant" Amie says

"Yes but due to the explosion...he lost him" Caitlyn says as Amie started to tear up

"I would have had a little brother again" Amie says

Oliver walks in

"Is he ok" Oliver says then sees Amie "what happened"

Barry wakes up
"What" barry says

"Barry are you ok" Oliver says

Nods no "I lost the baby olli.,,I lost our son"Barry says crying

"We were pregnant" Oliver says

Nods yes

"For how long" Oliver said

"Idk I just found out a couple days ago" barry says Oliver sat down in shock

"Hey Olli" Barry said flopping on the couch next to him "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Barry said with a tear falling

"It's ok...we need to talk" Oliver says

"If we talk it's over between us isn't it" barry says

"I'm sorry Barry...before I met you for dinner I fought a gang and found this in my pocket" Oliver says showing Barry a broken tracker "i thought I could be the arrow and Oliver queen and even back then I felt I couldn't do it but now I know I can't"

"Olli...the day I called you to the rooftop when we first met I couldn't stop thinking of you" barry says

"I don't want to hurt you barry..,but I can't be me and be with you without Putting your life in danger" Oliver says

"I'm the flash this because we lost our son" Barry says "or because you don't love me" he says then Oliver kisses him

"Goodbye Barry" Oliver says splitting there mouths slowly and gave one last kiss

"Olli" Barry says reaching for his hand but he was already out the door when Barry fell to the floor

Amie pov
She was sitting on the top of a building on the edge watching over when Bruce joined her

"Hey" Bruce says

"Hey" Amie says wiping her tears

"You don't have to stop grieving just because I'm here" Bruce says

"I know I just don't like people seeing me like this...all broken" Amie says looking at Bruce who scooted closer and hugged her

"Thank you"Amie said holding his hand

"No problem" Bruce says tightening his grip

"I know we just met really are a great friend" Amie said looking in his eyes

Barry's POV
He had found one of those shots Cisco made for him when they went out to drink and drank it he started to feel dizzy and flopped on the couch

" I always screw things up" Barry said laughing when felicity walked in

"Barry" felicity says

"Huh" barry said

"Are you ok" felicity says

"Hahe no" Barry said then slowly got up from the couch and walked flimsy to felicity "I feel great"

[sighs] "Oliver" felicity said

"Where" Barry says

"No barry...[sighs]" felicity says

Hello guys hope you enjoy this book

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