The Magician

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[footsteps arrow draws]

"Where is she where is Sara she came here for the league two weeks ago we've not heard from her since" Nyssa says

"There's something I have to tell you" Oliver says

"Sara's dead" Nyssa said as puts the bow down

"I'm so sorry" Nyssa said

"It was an arrow wasn't it"Nyssa said

"How do you know that" Oliver says

"Where's her body" Nyssa says

"Nyssa" Oliver said

"Where" Nyssa almost screams

"We Buried her in a grave from seven years ago" Oliver says then Nyssa walks out


"She knows something I want you to fallow her but be careful....I have to meet thea" Oliver said

At a restaurant

"Hi sorry I'm late" Oliver says

"Late is your on time Olli" Thea says

"So much for my promise that things would be different" Oliver says

"Relax it's fine" thea says

"Dinner is on me" Oliver says

Later on

"So why exactly did you break up with Barry...were you trying to protect him" thea said

"Don't remind me" Oliver said

"Cmon Olli Im not judging it's just you says you want to protect them but your only hurting them" Thea says

"I don't want to talk about it thea" Oliver says

"Ok" thea said


"She's moving" Roy said over phone

"Where" Oliver said

"She went to visit Sara's grave and now she's at some dump in Amsterdam" Roy said

"Text me the address" Oliver said

Where Nyssa was at

Oliver slowly walks up

[sniffles knife drawn]

"Are you ready to talk" Oliver said

"We have nothing to discuss" Nyssa says

" The trail for Sara's killer has gone cold and I could use your help" Oliver says

"Whereas I don't need yours" Nyssa says

"Really?..we've gathered evidence we're working leads your visiting cemeteries and hiding in league safe houses" Oliver says

"I am not hiding and this is not my safe house this was Sara's while she was in starling" Nyssa says

"Ok..You said Sarah was in a starling for the league That suggest her target is also her killer" Oliver says

"Agreed except it wasn't her target Sara came to confirm rumors whispers really about an enemy of the league that was in starling" Nyssa says "Malcom merlyn he's alive"

"Already has a feeling" Oliver said

Arrow cave

"Merlyn was a member of the league of assassins my father released him from his obligation to us with the understanding he would abide by its code of conduct" Nyssa says

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