The Magician pt 2

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Oliver walks In To meet thea for lunch

"From the look on your face you need more than coffee" thea says

"You ok" Oliver says

"Yeah are you" thea says

"Back in corto Maltese I promised you there would be no more secrets no more lies and I'm trying to honor that I learned something last night the day of the siege" Oliver said

"It wasn't fun I tried to get away but one of those masked things strangled me but he got shot by a....cop I think" thea says

"Did you see him" Oliver said

"No" Thea said

"That wasn't a cop was Malcom merlyn" Oliver says

[phone beeps]

"It's one of my investors I have to go thanks for telling me" thea said

"Thea are you ok" Oliver said

"Yeah like you said if he tried to contact me he would've done it already...I have to go" thea said

Arrow cave

"Where's Oliver"Nyssa says

"Our taking care of some family business" dig said

"As if there weren't more pressing matters at hand" Nyssa says

"He's not doing nothing he tracked down merlyn last night" roy says

"Did he kill him" Nyssa says

"No..he swore to me that he didn't kill sara" Oliver said

"And you know all of his words are lies" Nyssa says

"I believe him because he swore to me on his daughters life" Oliver says

"We had heard rumors merlyn fathered another child we couldn't confirm them"Nyssa says "you know who it is"

"I do" Oliver says

"If you put me through the effort of finding out in my own I might have to exact a price from whoever it is your protecting" Nyssa says

"It's Thea" Oliver says "my sister is merlyns daughter and that is the reason he came back to starling because she did to he's protecting her"

"And that is why you spared merlyn...TWICE" Nyssa says yells

"It had nothing to do with that he explained to me in his own twisted way that he loves her and then he swore to me" Oliver says

"And i swore and oath to my own that I would see Sara's killer brought to justice" Nyssa says then starts walking out

"Nyssa...Nyssa!" Oliver says and fallows her

"Oliver no" dig says

"We have to stop her" Oliver says

"Do we" dig says "listen I Understand why you can't kill merlyn All the reasons Maybe he killed sara Maybe he didn't either way the world Is a better place without Malcom in it you made a vow not to kill.....Nyssa didn't" dig said


"So Malcom merlyn is alive and is Thea's father" Barry says "anything else you haven't told me" laurel says

"What did you get at the precinct" Oliver asked

"Not much but I did get this of a traffic camera" laurel says showing them a Somali signal "that was 10 minutes ago"

Some place

"I'm going to get free out of this and when I do I'm going to kill you" thea says tied up from the roof

"I apologize for involving you in this my quarrel is with your father" Nyssa says

"My father has been dead for years you crazy psycho bitch" Thea said

"Not Robert queen Your true father Al sa-her the magician known to the uninitiated as Malcom merlyn" Nyssa says

"Then you know what he's going to do when he gets here" thea says

"I know he'll die my father taught me ways to cut a man to make his death last for days" Nyssa says

"Sounds like father of the year"thea says

"My father May be the demon but yours is the devil" Nyssa says

Arrow cave

"Is thea ok" Roy says

"I just spoke with her she's fine doesn't know who took her or why" Oliver says then Nyssa came and punched him in the side of the cheek

"I may have deserved that" Oliver says

"You deserve worse" Nyssa says

"Um what's going on" roy said

"Merlyn didn't kill sara which means whoever did is still out there" Oliver says

"Your a fool who insults the memory of a woman he once loved" Nyssa says

"I will honor Sara's memory by finding and punishing the person who did this the real person" Oliver says then Nyssa walks off " long as Malcom merlyn is in my city the league will make no move on him he's under my protection"

"You would incur the wrath of the league of assassins?" Nyssa says

"I will do what I have to in order to buy the time necessary to find out what really happened with Sara" Oliver says

"You have made an enemy tonight" Nyssa says "one with a long memory"

Barry's POV

"Hey sorry I'm late" barry says throwing off his coat and sitting down.

"No problem I was warned being late is your tendency" Liam says

Barry laughs a little

Waiter come up

"What would y'all like" she says

"Tamale dinner please" Liam says

"I'll have the same" Barry says then the waiter walks off "I didn't get to look at the menu"

"Well the tamales here are the best" Liam says


"Today was fun" Barry said as they walk around for a little

"Yeah Maybe we can do it again sometime" Liam said

"I'd love that maybe we can meet at jitters one day" barry says

"Can't wait" Liam says then walks to his car and waves bye

Nyssas pov
Nyssa walks into a room and goes on one knee

"The rumors were true Malcom merlyn is in starling city" Nyssa says

"There is a sadness in your voice" ras al-guhl says

"Ta-er-al-sahfer.....she has fallen" Nyssa says

"Sara lance is dead" ras al-guhl says

"Yes..struck through the heart with and arrow" Nyssa says

"At merlyns hand" ras al-guhl says

"It appears I have vowed a blood oath to avenge her" Nyssa says

"Al sal-her will face the leagues justice but for his crimes against the code" ras al-guhl says

"But Sara!" Nyssa says

"Was never truly one of us...and what of queen?" Ras al-guhl

"He has sworn to protect Malcom at any cost" Nyssa says

"If that is true then Oliver queen courts war with us" ras al-guhl says

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