Broken hearts

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I skipped skool to write lol (Jk I'm sick 😷)

Amie woke up in the comforting arms of Bruce

"Did you stay up all night" Amie says

"Yeah because you fell asleep on the edge" Bruce says

"Sorry" Amie says

"It's ok..I kind of enjoyed watching you sleep..your less feisty" Bruce says laughing

"Well thanks again but I have to go now and see what's up at Starr can come if you want to" Amie says walking away as Bruce fallows

Starr labs
"I told y'all im fine" Barry said "just had a unexpected call from someone"

"Hey...Barry you look terrible" Amie says

"Well thank you Amie" Barry says

"Ima call Oliver and see what's up" Caitlyn says

"No he's busy" Barry says

Oliver's pov
"Police dropped by the scene last night" dig said

"Well I didn't want to exactly stick around and answer questions" Oliver said

"He had a tracker in his jacket" Roy said

"Oh..,let me guess you think it's your fault" dig said

"Yeah and he broke up with Barry" felicity said walking in

"Felicity" Oliver says

"I found Barry in his apparent wasted laying on the couch...I know how he feels" felicity says

"Oh can you...,.wheres the phone i need to call lance" Oliver says

[phone buzzing]
Heard stumbling noice
[bow draws]

"Whoa whoa whoa I am on your side here" lance says

[object falls]

"Stay here" Oliver says in distorted voice



"Ahh" Oliver says as the man injects him with Vertigo

"You can call me vertigo" he says "you see my drug will reveal your greatest fear...I wonder what you fear"

Barry's POV
"Barry I called felicity" Caitlyn says

"Why wouldn't you tell us" Cisco says

"Tell you What" Barry says as they give him a look "me and Olli...oliver broke up" Barry says

"Why" Cisco says

"He didn't want to put my life in danger" Barry said "said he couldn't be the arrow and himself without putting loved ones in harm"

"oh barry" Caitlyn says hugging him

Oliver's POV
Walks down into the arrow cave and to see laurel

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