Midnight city

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"It's fine...glad we know now" barry said then zoomed out tears falling without then seeing
Barry replayed what felicity said in his head "You still love him"

Some cabin
[wind blowing]

"I'm sorry I had no one else to turn to but he needs your help" Maseo said the the girl helped him bring Oliver in

[soft music playing]
[fire burning]

[gasping and groaning]

"Don't move you'll pull out the sutures"

"Tatsu" Oliver said "how"

"I asked her to come here so she could bring you back to life" Maseo said

Oliver had gotten up off the bed and limped to the other room

"Oliver...drink this" tatsu said "penicillin for the infection"

"You saves my life"Oliver said

"The snow and cold helped and you will live..you should be dead" tatsu said

"Did you know Maseo would bring me here" Oliver said

"He was the one who told me to meet you at this cabin" tatsu said

"I didn't realize that the two of you were still in contact" Oliver says

"We are not" tatsu said

[door opens]

"Maseo" Oliver said

"You are in no condition to stand" Maseo said

"Then help me" Oliver said then Maseo helped him to a chair

"I'm glad that you stayed" Olive said

"Then you will be disappointed when the storm passes I'll return to nanda parbat" Maseo said

"Maseo..If Ras finds out you saved me..betrayed him he's going to kill you" Oliver said

"Don't waste your breath on worries about me your concern should be for your home and what is has become upon your absence" Maseo said

Barry's POV
He was at work going through files when Liam walked in with a coffee

"I couldn't make it today I have to help bring the mayor out of town but I figured you would need a coffee" Liam said "you ok"

"Yeah...and thank you for the coffee" Barry said

"What's wrong" Liam asked

"I'm fine just some bad news about a friend" Barry said the drank the coffee and put it down

"It looks like you haven't slept since yesterday..,what exactly was this news" Liam said then a tear fell from Barry's face

"My friend got into an accident and he's not Coming back" barry said

"Oh barry...I'm sorry" Liam said comforting him setting his coffee on the table"I'm here for you ok"

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