Ras -al-guhl

531 11 6

48 hours before the climb

Oliver had caught two street thugs and brought them to lance


"I feel bad I don't go around catching bad guys for you" lance laughs

"My treat" Oliver said in distorted voice

"You know these days Your the closest thing to a partner I got" lance says

[door opens then closes]

Oliver started to walk off when an arrow was shot but he doged the archer was wearing black

"Malcom" He said then 3 more Came down and started fighting him when they grabbed both his legs and arms and held him in an x
He realized it was the league when he got punched and knocked out

Nanda pharbat
Oliver got thrown to the floor

[groans] he looked up to see Nyssa and another dude

"Nyssa What is this..we agreed" Oliver said standing

"To nothing...my father merely decidedly give you the time to bring Sara's killer to justice and you have failed"Nyssa says

"We are doing everything we can" Oliver said

"You've been distracted protecting the city and you've exhausted my fathers patience in civilization past When someone in the village was murdered The league would come kill 50 people a day Until the true criminal was rooted out... Find and deliver the one who killed
Ta-er al-sahfer You have 48 hours Or the citizens of Starling Will see what the league of assassins is capable of" Nyssa says

"You're going to the slaughter innocent people"Oliver said

"The cleansing of starling city will fall to sarab" Nyssa says then the man standing next to her took of his mask and Oliver sawbit was an old friend

"Maseo?" Oliver said

"Maseo is no longer as she said...I am sarab" Maseo said

"Deliver Sara's killer or blood will flow in your streets" Nyssa says then starts walking off

"T-this isn't what sara would want" Oliver yelled

"Sara is dead..it's time you remember that" Nyssa said

Barry's POV
He was meeting Liam for coffee before they headed to work

"Hey" Liam said them saw a coffee waiting for him "you didn't have to I could of got myself one"

"Oh no payback for buying me dinner and I got your favorite...the flash" Barry smirked

"Oh you know me so well" Liam said then drank it

"You seem way more happier" Barry said "your glowing"

"I'm not a pregnant woman...but yeah I met someone who made me happy" Liam said

"Oh really who" Barry said

"You" Liam said then smiled as Barry smiled back

"Smoooooth" Barry said then took a sip of his coffee "we should walk now if we don't want to be late"

"Yeah let's go" Liam says

They grab there coffee and walk out of jitters

"So how are you and Oliver y'all still talk" Liam said clearly dreading the question

"Yeah we still talk I haven't checked on him in a while but I'm pretty sure he's ok he had amazing friends and a funny little sister..." Barry goes on when Liam pulled him into a alley and grabbed his hips and kissed him Barry kissed back then the two split

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