The truth

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Oliver's POV
He was down at the arrow cave when Barry had sped in looking for everyone

"Guy..s"Barry said then saw Oliver sitting in the chair and his eyes watered"Olli"

"Hey Barr" Oliver said

Barry ran up to him and hugged him

"I..i thought you were" Barry said

"Dead...I thought so too" Oliver said

"" Barry said looking at the scars across his body that looked new when felicity and the others walked in

"Oliver!" Roy yelled and hugged him

"Gentle now" Oliver said

"Sorry" Roy said

"Oliver how are you here" Dig said

"Long story..,but I'm back aren't I" Oliver said then looked at Barry "just like I promised"

Bruce's pov
Nyssa storms In

"Oliver Queen is still alive" Nyssa says

Bruce nearly sighs but caught himself

"Yes I know he has returned to starling apparently" Ras says

"Why did you not tell me" Nyssa said

"Because Oliver Queen did not murder taer al-sahfer" ras said

"Do you not believe his confession because you doubt his motives or because you don't approve of my grief" Nyssa says

"Sara was your beloved" Bruce said

"But he never approved" Nyssa said

"I knew sara would leave us leave you one way or another I didn't approve of the love I knew would only end in heartbreak" Ras said

"Weather queen killed sara or not he challenged you..he defied you.....for that alone he must die" Nyssa said

Oliver's POV
He went to go see thea

"Is my room still available" Oliver said walking in

"Oliver where have you been" thea said "I was so worried about you"

"I was in blood haven ran into an old friend of mine" Oliver said then saw malcom

"Olli" thea said

"It's ok" Oliver said

"Good to see you again Oliver" malcom said shaking Oliver's hand

"I think I'm hallucinating but thank you for being cool with this" thea said "be right back"

"Thank you for making this easy on her" malcom said "I wasn't always like this you know before rebeca died I was a good father" malcom said

"I remember" Oliver said

"Killing changes takes away a piece of your soul and you can never get it back...Oliver i know I wasn't there for tommy but I see thea as my chance for redemption" malcom says

"You turned my sister into a killer and you put her in the crosshairs of one of the most dangerous men on the planet" Oliver said

"You won't believe me but I did so with a heavy heart and expecting a different outcome" malcom said

"Ras is going to come for me and he will learn the truth about sara eventually"Oliver said

"And then he will come for thea and me" malcom said

"That's why I have to kill him" Oliver said

"You couldn't before" malcom said

"This time i will have you to train me" Oliver said

"Only the student has hope of defeating the master" malcom said

Oliver's POV
He had stopped by Barry's place


"Oh Oliver What are you doing here" barry said quietly

"I'm sorry I didn't come by sooner I went to check on thea"Oliver said

"Olli it's fine...come in" barry said opening the door

"So how was starling while I was gone" Oliver said

"Hell...brick was quite a problem" Barry laughed

"What about here" Oliver said when looked sad

"They want to reward the flash for what happens last year with wells" Barry said

"That's amazing barr" Oliver said

"Except I don't deserve it...Ronnie was the one who risked his life for the city not me" barry said

"Barry you have to let go of that.,,after all you've done for this city you deserve this" Oliver said walking yo to Barry who looked up and him when Oliver was about to lean in he stepped back

"I can't....." Barry says

"Why" Oliver said

"When we thought you were dead,,.i moved on" barry said eyes watering

"But Im back" Oliver said

"You can't just expect me to wait for you Olli!" Barry said "Even though I did wait I waited for so long...and after I thought you were dead I didn't know what to do"

"Im sorry" Oliver said then walked out

A week later the arrow cave

"You have a visitor" felicity said as Malcom walked in

"I see things are still running smoothly down here" malcom says

"What do you want"Oliver said

"It's been a week since your return i thought it past time we spoke....nanda parbat is remote but I wouldn't delude yourself from thinking that Ras didn't know you've returned to starling" malcom said

"Your point malcom" Oliver said

"We cant merely wait for Ras to mobilize his's time to bring thea into the fold" malcom said

"She's not ready" Oliver said

"I disagree" malcom said  "but in any case..if we have to protect thea and defeat the league the three of us need to join forces but I don't see how we can do that if she is still to believe that her brother is a reformed playboy" malcom said then walked out

"Oliver I told you before if thea finds out you've been lying to her all this time you will loose her...forever" dig said

Later at verdant
Thea was going over inventory when Oliver walked in

"Olli...So glad your back" thea said

"I have to show you Something" Oliver said then started walking

"Where are we going" thea Said

"Basement" Oliver said  

"I thought you said it was flooded" thea said

"I lied" Oliver said

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