Chapter Five

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Allie was a light sleeper. Through the crackling fire, she was awoken by the sound of movement. Curled up on the cold forest floor, using her jacket as a blanket, she focused on the sound.

Clutched in her right hand, tucked securely under her body was a small handgun. She wasn't sure when, if ever, she was going to tell the group how she obtained it, not until it was absolutely necessary and she established more trust with them.

So far, the squad of random misfits were nice and normal, but it was only the first night. Once hunger and thirst became life-threatening, people's behaviour would surely change for the worse. In life and death moments of desperation, people had shown the ability to commit unthinkable acts to fulfill their desire for self-preservation.

Allie was awake, but remained still — her head slightly propped up by the root of a nearby tree. Someone was up and about, most likely getting up to use the washroom. But given their circumstance, one could never be so sure. More so than ever, trust had to be earned.

In the pitch darkness of night, under the glow of the moonlight and the half ablaze campfire, Allie kept one eye open and a keen interest in every sound. Without looking, she was able to paint a picture in her mind based on the weight of the step, the size of the stride, and the breathing pattern. Whoever it was, they were trying to be quiet.

The sound was coming closer to Allie and she was unsure how to react. Her instinct was to look, but she also thought it may be wise to pretend to be asleep and try to catch someone doing something they weren't supposed to. There wasn't any food or water to steal, and it was unlikely anyone would sneak off and form a secret alliance this earlier into the process.

With each step, Allie grew more curious. She felt the presence of someone now standing by her feet, practically hovering over her. The curiosity turned to nervousness. She listened intently on the breathing, but still had no idea who it was.

As a former MMA world champion, she was no stranger to combat and was secure with her ability to defend herself, especially since she was clutching a loaded weapon, which at that point, she had every reason to believe she was the only one. She also found comfort being in a large group. There was strength in numbers. However, despite all this, there was something about being out of her element that made her feel exposed and vulnerable.

The breathing grew closer as the midnight lurker crouched down next to her. A hand reached out and gently touched her shoulder. That was enough for Allie to completely succumb to her heighten state of anxiety. Without warning, she jolted up, whipping the jacket off her, and in one fluid motion, she spun around to face the person. Neither of them made a sound.

"Don't shoot," Dane whispered, feeling the cold metal from the gun that was shoved under his chin.

"Dane, what the hell are you doing?" Allie said, lowering her weapon. She tucked it under her leg, but didn't let go of it.

"I need to talk to you."


"I couldn't sleep."

"What do you want?"

Before responding, Dane looked around and then back at Allie.

"First of all, why do you have a gun?"

"I found it."

"You found it?"

Ignoring the question, Allie snapped back. "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you about forming a secret alliance."


"I just think it would be good for us to start to connect with smaller groups and watch each other's backs, you know?"

"Sure, whatever."

"Okay, that's all I wanted to ask you," Dane said, still whispering. "I talked to Train. He's in too."

"Fantastic," Allie said, sounding annoyed.

"I'll let Train know that you said yes. Maybe we can all find some time tomorrow to talk, you know?"

"Yes, let's talk tomorrow."

"Maybe we can come up with a cool name to call ourselves."



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