Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The small community was secluded, completely engulfed by trees. Arriving for the first time, the Dark Circle crew were completely blown away.

The soldiers weren't all that friendly so the group saved their questions for when they meet this so-called leader.

"You're going to love this guy," Dane kept saying, speaking about Daxon as if the two were best friends.

The vehicles pulled up to the hotel where Dane and Allie were staying and Dane couldn't help but play tour guide. "This is it!" he said proudly. "This is where we're staying. What do you guys think? Pretty nice, right?"

"I can't wait to take a hot shower."

"I can't wait to eat."

"I need a decent night sleep."

"You guys can do it all here," Dane said.

"Dane, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Camo requested.

"Yeah, sure, Cam. What's up?"

The two found a private area in the grand entrance of the hotel lobby. Mr. Camouflage faced Dane, but looked past him, over Dane's shoulder to ensure they were far enough away from the others.

"Is this legit?"

"Of course," Dane assured.

"How do you know?"

"I have good instincts."

"Okay, I trust you."

"You're home, Cam. This is where we live now."

Dane was perhaps a little overzealous about the situation. In reality, he only had a few brief interactions with Daxon and some of his people. And it was yet to be confirmed if they were allowed to stay there indefinitely.

There was much excitement and chatter amongst the group as spirits were at an all-time high.

Just then, Daxon came down the winding staircase like a messiah. "Friends. Welcome," he spoke in a loud and confident voice that silenced the room. He was much younger than a lot of people had imagined. Many of the group still had their reservations about the man and his agenda. Some of the more skeptical members of the group insisted he was a cult leader, while others thought he was a megalomaniac.

"It's good to see so many friendly faces at the Empress Hotel. Your group is the largest we've ever had at one time. My name is Daxon and I run this place. It's truly my honour to have you all here. I encourage you to treat this place as if it were your home and spend as much time as you need to rehabilitate and relax. We have warm food, hot showers, ample clothing... whatever you need, please don't hesitate to ask. You are all personal guests of mine and I'll do my very best to take care of you and make you feel at home. Welcome to our community."

"I know you're all exhausted and hungry, so get cleaned up and then we can all reconvene for dinner. It'll be a good opportunity for us to get to know one another. I'm sure you have lots of questions for me. You can ask me anything you'd like."

Each of the group were shown to their rooms — towels, toiletries, and clothing were provided. Everyone was overjoyed by their new circumstances and were beginning to feel hopeful about the future.

"Hey, is anyone else getting a culty vibe here?" Mauricio asked in private. Some others expressed the same concern.

"Yeah, right at the end where he said 'welcome to our community' — I thought, that sounds like something a cult leader would say."

"Guys, I have my doubts as well, but let's try to remain positive about all this," Cheryl added. "Cautious, but positive."

"Time will be the best judge," Lynn added.

After everyone was cleaned and clothed, they met Daxon in one of the exquisite banquet halls. A large chandelier sparkled overhead a long table, which wouldn't be out of place in Hogwarts. The group flocked to the table and found their seats. Small chatter filled the room until a bevy of wait staff swarmed in and catered to them, delivering hot plates of food and cold beverages.

Daxon sat at the head of the table, but was the last to eat. He watched over everyone like a proud father as they scarfed down their food. He had an apparent nurturing side and truly seemed to enjoy taking care of everyone.

"How long has this place existed?" Lauren asked between bites.

"As you see it now, only a couple of years. Many of us colonized here after the war. Others came and went, but overall our population continues to rise."

"What is the overall belief system here?" Mr. Camo asked.

"There isn't one other than come as you are and respect your neighbour. There are very few rules and restrictions here, and I think that is one of the primary reasons everyone stays."

"Not everyone stays though, right?" Mr. Camo retorted almost as if he was challenging Daxon.

"This lifestyle isn't for everyone I suppose," Daxon replied graciously. For some, coming here was never meant to be a permanent residence, only a safe refuge until the dust settled so to speak. While we have a lot to offer here, some miss their old life, the place they grew up, family, friends... and we respect that. We don't force anybody to be here who doesn't want to be here."

"You're considered the leader, correct?" Mr. Camo asked. "What exactly is your role here?"

"I consider myself a peacekeeper and a facilitator. I oversee operations and ensure everyone has whatever they need. I may settle the occasional dispute that arises. Candidly, that part of my job is fairly easy. For the most part, people get along. Ultimately, my main mission is to preserve this way of life for as long as people see value in preserving it. But I don't make the rules per se. Think of our community as a collective."

"It sounds truly amazing here," Lauren said. "Are there any restrictions to move here permanently?"

"Yes, we have a committee who meets with everyone and decides on whether that person will be a good fit. If all goes well, then that person is granted a probationary pass to live here. We help them become situated and settled. Over the next few months, we check in with them and the people they interact with to try and get a better sense of how they are adjusting and integrating. Like I said, this goes both ways, and this trial period allows us both to see if we're a right fit for each other."

"Do people have jobs here?"

"If they want. It's entirely up to them. Like any high functioning society, we need to have certain tasks done to ensure everything runs smoothly and fairly. We can discuss that in more detail after dinner when I take you all on a tour."

"What about us?" Lynn said. "How long can we stay here?"

"That all depends," Daxon said with a smile. "For now, you are my personal guests and I want you to stay as long as you like. No pressure. If any of you would like to leave and return to the city, we can arrange transportation for you."

"This all seems really amazing," Cheryl said. "I'm sure I speak for the group, but we're all really excited to be here and we can't thank you enough."

"It's my pleasure," Daxon responded.

"It's my pleasure," Daxon responded

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