Chapter Twenty-Six

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Dane and Allie had reservations about their new ally, but didn't have any other option but to be cordial. They were enjoying the much needed comforts of modern living that Daxon provided them. They each had their own room, bathroom, food, and clothing. Despite having spent little time at the community, they were both thinking how they could get used to establishing a new life there.

After getting cleaned up and changing their clothes, Dane and Allie met up in the lobby of a reclaimed hotel.

"Do you remember where Daxon said we were supposed to meet him after breakfast?" Dane asked.

"I'm not sure," Allie said, "but we can ask one of his guards."

Daxon had assigned a couple of chaperones to accompany Dane and Allie. He claimed the guards were for their protection, but to them it felt more like they were there to keep an eye on Dane and Allie. They had yet to earn Daxon's trust. On several occasions he had made a point of mentioning that his community was built on a foundation of trust. Everyone there needed to be vetted and voted in. It wasn't clear whether Dane and Allie were going to stay long term, but until then, Daxon had given them first-class treatment.

Dane and Allie sat down to a warm breakfast and were waited on like royalty. Other than the two large guards standing off to the side, as well as the waiter, they were the only people in the restaurant.

"So... is this like a regular hotel where people stay?" Dane asked.

"I think he said the population of this community was around fifteen hundred people, and most of them probably live in houses or condos. So it doesn't really make much sense to have a fully functioning hotel."

"Why have a hotel at all?" Dane questioned. "I mean, it's not like this is a tourist destination or anything. And how many guests like us possibly show up here to justify having a hotel ready to go?"

"Maybe he keeps it for when his parents come to visit?"

"Was that a joke?" Dane said, looking pleased.

"It was an attempt at one," Allie replied.

"Oh, so there is another side of you," Dane said with a smile. "I like it. Who knew all you needed was a good night sleep and a warm breakfast."

Just as they were finishing up, Daxon came down to join them. "Good morning," he said with a welcoming smile.

"Good morning," they both said in unison.

"Did you enjoy your breakfast?" he asked.

"It was amazing. Thank you very much," Dane said.

"Yes, thank you," Allie agreed.

"You two sleep okay?" Daxon asked.

"I think I can speak for both of us," Dane said looking at Allie in agreement, "It was honestly one of the best nights of rest we've had in a while. We really appreciate your warm hospitality, Daxon. Seriously, thank you."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that."

"I'm curious," Dane said, "Do you get many visitors here?"

"A few," Daxon said. "We're a really fast growing community so as word spreads about us, people come to visit. Most are looking for an alternate way of life where they can be who they want to be without the societal pressures that can rob a person of their spirit and ambition. When newcomers visit, we put them up in the hotel until we decide if they are a right fit."

"How is someone deemed to be the right fit?" Dane asked.

"We spend time with them, get to know them, find out about their interests and their values, how they like to spend their free time. That is really important to us."

"How would you describe the people who live here?" Dane asked.

"They're just regular people from all walks of life. We don't really discriminate or judge. We also encourage diversity of culture and ideas as long as they don't conflict with one another. We don't want an entire population of the same kinds of people, you know?"

"That's good," Dane said.

"How did this place come about?" Allie asked.

"It's a long story and I can't wait to tell you about it, but for now I came to ask you a question."

"What is it?"

"You mentioned there were others who had escaped with you. If we lead you back to the park, do you think you could find them?"

"You want to help us find our friends?" Dane asked in shock.

"Of course," Daxon said. "Why does that surprise you?"

"I mean, you don't even know those people, and you barely know us. It's just... in my experience, people who are really nice tend to have ulterior motives. Forgive me for questioning you, but I just have to be careful, you know?"

"I totally understand where you're coming from, so I don't take offense. I don't think of it as being nice, it's about practicing an ethic, having a certain set of values and principles, and putting that energy out in the world. I truly believe this is how we are going to change the world. You have to be the change you want to see. You said you have good people starving out in the woods. Rescuing them is the decent thing to do. I wouldn't be much of a leader if all I cared about was myself, right?"

"Thank you for clearing that up for us and putting our minds at ease," Dane said.

"Yeah, thank you, Daxon," Allie concurred.

"Don't mention it," Daxon said. "How much time do you need to get ready?"

"Fifteen minutes," Dane said.

"Great, I'll go rally the troops and we'll meet you out front in fifteen minutes."

Daxon walked away with a smile, leaving both Dane and Allie to finish their meals. As soon as Daxon was out of earshot, Dane said, "I like him."

"I don't trust him," Allie said.

"Oh, here we go again. Allie, you have to learn to trust people."

"No one is that nice to strangers," she said. "He must want something."

"Maybe it's like he said, he takes his job as a leader seriously. If he shows sympathy and compassion for others, his people will look up to him and respect him more."


"Look, I say we trust him until he gives us a reason not to."

"Maybe he's taking us back to the park to find our friends and then he will kill us all, ensuring none of us become a threat to his throne."

"Why would he do that? He could have just killed us the first time at the park," Dane challenged.

"He wasn't there, remember? Now that he has met with us, he has probably determined that we offer no value to him, so he's taking us back to where he found us."

"To kill us?" Dane asked.

"Who knows," Allie said. "All I'm saying is let's be cautious of him. Trust no one."


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