Chapter Nineteen

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The group had literally doubled in size overnight. They all gathered around the smoldering fire pit to discuss their next move. They all agreed to keep moving.

With nothing but daylight ahead of them, they set off. The large group talked amongst themselves and got to know each other.

"Hey, Professor, can I talk to you for a minute?" Emily asked.

"Sure, kiddo, what's up?"

"Listen, I never got a chance to properly say thank you."

"Ah, don't mention it," the Professor said, brushing it off.

"Seriously, you saved my life without a moment of hesitation. Without you, me and my baby would have been killed. I'm not sure how I can repay you."

"No need," Professor said with a sincere smile.

"So why do they call you the Professor?"

"Because that's the name I gave them."

"I feel like if someone saved a person's life, they should at least know their real name," she said.

"You look like someone who can keep a secret, am I right?" Professor said.

"Of course."

"I'm sure you understand that there's certain information about me that I wish to keep private."

"You have my word."

"Good. I'll tell you what. My real name is Emilio."

"Aww, that's such a cute name, it sounds like my name," Emily said.

"That's why I never really liked the name, it didn't suit me."

"Well, I don't have a name for this little one yet," she said, patting her belly. "Perhaps I will name him after you in honour of the man who saved our lives."

"You don't need to do that."

"I'll only do it if it suits him, deal?"

"Deal," Professor said with sincerity. There were a lot of heavy emotions that he still needed to work through and wasn't expecting to have to share those feelings with anyone else. He preferred his solitude. "So, I would appreciate it if everything between us remains a secret," The Professor said.

"Of course, anything you want. I am forever indebted to you. And Emilio, if you ever need to talk to someone, just know that I'll always be here for you, okay?"

"I appreciate that very much. Thank you, Emily."

For most of the morning, Lauren walked with one of the newcomers, Blane.

When the group finally stopped for a rest, Lauren pulled Mr. Camouflage and Train aside to discuss something that was bothering her.

"Have any of you two had a conversation with Blane before?" she asked.

"Not really," Mr. Camouflage said.

"We briefly spoke this morning. Why, what's up?" Train said.

"One thing I'm fairly decent at is reading people. Being in the modeling industry, we're constantly exposed to people with insincere intentions or have hidden agendas. Men who say whatever they think I want to hear just to sleep with me, or agents and managers telling me one thing, but meaning another. Anyway, I've become pretty good at seeing through it all and telling when someone is lying."

"So Blane is lying to you? Maybe he's just nervous? Pretty girls tend to make men not behave like themselves."

"No, I don't think it's nerves. I can tell the difference. Let me ask you both something. Take a good look at him... do either of you remember him being on the bus?"

Train and Mr. Camouflage observed Blane from a distance and neither of them could place him on the bus that day.

"Well, to be fair, I sat all the way at the back, so all I saw was the backs of people's heads," Mr. Camouflage said. "Also, I was a little pre-occupied."

"Yeah, same here," Train said. "There were a lot of people that day, a lot of craziness and confusion, and I'm just not that good at remembering people's faces, especially if I haven't met them."

"Well, I do remember faces. I can practically close my eyes and recall everyone that was on that bus that day. I don't think he was there with us."

"So what's your theory? He was just wandering through the woods one day and found a group of people on the run and decided to join them?"

"Maybe, or he's working undercover for The Shadow."


"Whoever he is, I don't trust him."


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