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It had been a few weeks and Angel and Mitty had become more than well acquainted. They spent the majority of their time together and rarely spent any nights sleeping alone. Angel had grown to enjoy it and any night she did spend alone in an empty bed; she craved his presence.

They hadn't done anything majorly explicit, they held hands and made out a fair bit but Angel was still shy and anytime Mitty tried anything more than just kissing her neck she would freak out and panic. At first he grew impatient and annoyed, it wasn't something he was used to because even the most prudish girls he had history with gave themselves to him completely without protest.

The annoyance grew into confusion and curiosity. It would be at this point he would give up and find another person to impart his ways onto and yet he couldn't bring himself to leave her; not yet. He didn't even mind that all she wanted to do was cuddle and watch bad tv shows, he rather enjoyed it but he refused to admit so.


He glanced over at the girl. She was standing in the doorframe of the kitchen with her hair tied up in a messy bun, a few curly strands framing her face as her skin remained untouched by any make up, it was fresh and glowing and from the pleasant smell he determined she had just applied moisturiser like he had watched her do so many times at her vanity.

The only thing adorning her body was a dark gray towel clutched against her frame tightly with her fist and Mitty wanted nothing more than to just rip the towel away and have his way with her but he suppressed his automatic response and forced a small concerning smile on his face.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"There's a spider in the bath can you get rid of it?" She asked quietly nervously darting her eyes around the room to avoid his gaze which was so clearly on her lack of clothes.

He let out a light laugh. A natural one, not a forced one he was so used to giving. He followed her as she stopped by the door of the bathroom and he went in to inspect. His eyes landed on the rather large insect posed on the edge of the tub.
He went to get a piece of toilet paper to squish it but he was frantically stopped.

"Don't kill it!" Angel squeaked.

"I thought you wanted me to get rid of it?" He asked puzzled.

"Yeah but like just out the window or something" She explained "Don't kill it"

He couldn't help but feel something towards the girl, something he had never really felt for someone before. A smile creeps it's way onto his face as he grabbed the clear glass from the sink and he quickly positioned it over the spider before heading over to the window.

It reminded him of what he did to people. He would trap them and cradle them with the illusion he was helping them, sparing them from whatever horrible outcome was waiting for them and then at the last minute throw them out into the unknown where their fate is probably way worse.

He chucked it out and watched as the spider became nothing but a minuscule dot soon out of his vision as it neared the ground. He shut the window again and turned round to face Angel where she wore a sheepish smile rested against the door.

"You know it's just going to eventually make it's way back in here?" Mitty told her, placing the glass back on the counter.

"Yeah but spiders are asthmatic so it's gonna take it a while" She shrugged.

"You're so strange" He smiled.

He constantly found himself amused at Angel, she always found ways to surprise him and Mitty was not a man that often found himself in that position, he was barely a man at all.

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