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It had been just under a month and Angel was slowly starting to feel like herself again. It had been a difficult few weeks filled with sadness and self pity but she was slowly but surely getting there. She looked around her apartment which used to feel cosy and comfortable and now it just looked cold and empty, like it was missing something.

She tried her hardest to not think of Mitty because it only made her sad and angry but that proved difficult. She would think she was getting better and then she would see something that reminded her of him.

She looked outside and seen the sun was shining, as usual. She had decided she had had enough of moping around in the apartment any longer and wanted to go outside. She had been avoiding doing so except only when strictly necessary for groceries and work obligations.

She walked the familiar path she was so used to walking although hadn't touched in months. She could hear people happily laughing amongst themselves and kids running around wild. She wasn't used to such noise.

She stopped right outside the cafe, her mind subconsciously trailing her back to the last time she was here, when she was with Mitty and they ordered a wide selection of cakes trying each one, she remembered how he got cream on his upper lip and she tried to wipe it off but he pulled her in for a kiss instead and the sugary foam only sweetened the act.

She took a breath trying to remind herself she was here to forget about him, not relish in the memories. It was fairly quiet as she had expected for this time of day. She sauntered up to the counter greeted by a warming smile from Joe, who she had not realised how much she missed.

"Well hello stranger" He beamed.

"Hey Joe" She replied simply.

"I'll bring your usual over" He said motioning for her to go to what used to be her usual table.

She was silently grateful he didn't bombard her with questions of where she had been and why she had been gone so long. She knew Joe knew her better than herself sometimes and that when she was sad, she just wanted peace.

She sat at the table observing everyone inside; it was mostly older women coming for coffee together and young families where the children were happily making their way through a sweet dessert.

Joe comes over and placed the items on her table and she thanks him to which he merely nods and heads back over to the counter to serve the other customers.

She looked down at the lemon bar; something she used to look forward to devouring on her Saturday afternoons but now seemed plain and boring. Regardless, she ate it anyway and reminded herself that it was her favourite and everything else was just superficial.

Despite her actively trying, her mind wandered over to that morning and the feelings that came with it that she tried desperately to suppress.

Angel woke up with a faint smile still on her face, the sun was streaming in and she slowly stretched out her arms enjoying the warmth on her skin. She felt so calm and peaceful and still a little tired out from the previous night's actions.

She had been wary about trusting Mitty with something so intimate but it had been better than she could ever imagine and it had been nice to share something so special.

She turned around and noticed he wasn't in the bed but this didn't alarm her as he had a tendency to get up earlier than her, he was more of an early riser.

She cuddled into the pillow that still smelled like Mitty enjoying the comfort it brought her. The sheets were draped lazily over her body, she hadn't bothered to put clothes on after how warm and tired she felt last night and so now she was feeling a little chilly.

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